How to remove wallpaper from drywall?

Before you start making repairs, you need to prepare the walls for a new finish. Such preparation should be especially thorough, if you have gypsum plasterboard walls. And first of all we need to remove old wallpaper from the walls. Let's find out how quickly to remove old wallpaper from drywall.

How to properly remove old wallpaper?

  1. Before you begin, you should lay the floor, for example, with old newspapers. Electricity must be turned off, and the sockets should be covered with paint tape.
  2. For work you will need such tools:
  • Some types of wallpaper are removed from the plasterboard wall easily, it is only necessary to gently pull the corner of the sheet.
  • If the first attempt to unstick the wallpaper did not work, use the so-called wallpapered "tiger", which has sharp spikes, punching the wallpaper and facilitating their removal. Drive this device on the surface of the wallpaper until scratches on the surface.
  • Now with the steamer soften the layer of glue under the old wallpaper and after that, gently picking up the edge of the sheet with a spatula or knife, remove the wallpaper sheet. To remove heavy walls from the wall, you can use a special solution, which is applied to the wall and after a few minutes the wallpaper is easily removed. This liquid acts only on the adhesive base of the wallpaper, while it does not affect the drywall at all.
  • As practice shows, removing old paper wallpapers from the walls is not difficult, if the plasterboard surface was plastered under them. Otherwise, you will not be able to remove the wallpaper. The easiest way to remove old wallpaper - moisten them with a sponge soaked in water. As a rule, after a while the wallpaper is soaked and you can remove it carefully from the wall. If in some places the wallpaper does not lag behind the wall, wetting should be repeated.
  • This is what the wall, cleared of old wallpaper, will look like.