How to store tangerines?

Almost all of us love tangerines , these wonderful useful citrus fruits with a characteristic aroma and taste.

Mandarins have very useful properties. They contain various vitamins (vitamin C - in especially large quantities), as well as useful mineral compounds and fiber. In the peel - a considerable amount of aromatic oils (peel, too, use).

It is better, of course, to buy tangerines in small quantities and not store them for long, but how to act, if necessary. Different people have different living conditions, different opportunities, and there are different cases: for example, several members of the family bought 1 kg at the same time - already a problem.

Anyway, in order to keep the mandarins long enough, it is better to choose slightly unripe fruit with a tightly fitting skin without any blemishes and flaws. Fruits should not be soft touch.

How to keep tangerines at home correctly and long enough?

As is known, it is best to store mandarins and oranges (and also other fruits) in a cool at a temperature of not less than 6-8 ° C, in a low box, basket or box in a glassed loggia or veranda, another storage option - in a special container in a container fruit refrigerator compartment. It is better that the fruit lay freely, without even touching one another. With such methods of storage, mandarins do not dry out and do not decay, retaining a quite appetizing appearance and useful properties up to 1 month. Fruits should be examined periodically, because if the rotting process has already begun before the folding for storage in fruits, and they were spoiled, then a decrease in temperature will only slow the decay process.

Of course, if there are no conditions for storing tangerines in the cool, at higher temperatures (in the kitchen, in the rooms), mandarins will spoil even faster. In addition, in a place that is too warm, the peel dries out, and the fruits lose their taste and useful properties. However, there are special interest is in storing in the rooms of your apartment a small amount of tangerines or oranges. Put a few citrus fruits in a basket or on a dish and put on a table - the room will have a particularly pleasant smell - a very pleasant side effect.

How not to store tangerines?

In no case should you store tangerines, as well as any other fruits, in plastic bags: the package creates a high humidity, the fruit suffocates, besides, the harmful bacteria in such conditions multiply much more actively.