Light salads for the New Year

The long-awaited New Year is approaching, and each hostess is already making a list of dishes for the festive table. We offer recipes for delicious and light salads, which are perfect for New Year's menu.

Light New Year's salad with celery and fish



Carcasses of mackerel rid of the insides and head, rinse under running cold water and boil until ready in salted water with the addition of the desired spices. If desired, you can bake the fish in foil in the oven, pre-seasoning it with salt and spices. Then we remove the bones from the cooled mackerel and cut the fillet into pieces and mix it with the salted to clarity in the vegetable oil in a frying pan with pre-peeled and sliced ​​onions.

We clear the celery, let it through a large grater and fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil or on an ordinary pan with a small amount for five to seven minutes, stirring.

Quail eggs boil until cooked and cleaned, pickled cucumbers and onions leek melenko shred with a sharp knife, and cut olives with rings.

In a deep bowl, combine the fish with onions, celery, cucumbers, peas, leeks, olives, add four shredded quail eggs, melted cheese, let it through a grater or break it into pieces (if it's soft), fill it with mayonnaise, salt and pepper and mix.

We spread the salad on the dish with a hemisphere, we distribute the squirrels of the remaining quail eggs on top of the grater, we spread around the "stretch" from the mashed yolks, decorate the dish with fresh parsley leaves, olive rings and marinated Bulgarian pepper slices.

Light and delicious salad for the New Year without mayonnaise with salmon



Flat dishes are lined with lettuce leaves and laid on top of the arugula.

Boil the hard-boiled eggs, immerse them in a minute in the icy water, and then clean, cut into circles using a figured knife and lay out on top of the salad. The salted salmon fillet is divided into small plates, cut into small slices and also laid arbitrarily on a dish. We put in an olive salad without pits and rings of red lettuce. For dressing, mix olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, pepper and salt, whisk a little with a fork and water the resulting mixture with our salad. Incredibly tasty and light dish is ready, you can serve to the New Year's table.

The best light salad for the New Year with shrimps



Peeled shrimp defrost, immerse for a minute in salted boiling water, then drain into a colander and let it drain. Crab sticks are cleaned and very finely chopped. Canned pineapples crushed cubes, and Peking cabbage shinkuem not large (without the white part).

Mix in the bowl all the prepared ingredients and half the pomegranate seeds, season with mayonnaise, add salt to taste, mix, spread on the dish, covered with lettuce leaves, and decorate the remaining grains of pomegranate.