How often can you do ultrasound?

The question of whether it is harmful to do ultrasound during pregnancy, does not give rest to all future mothers. However, it is unfortunately impossible to find an unambiguous answer to this question. Some doctors believe that modern equipment does not cause any harm to the mother and child, but there are those who claim that such interference can not pass completely without a trace, and they say that certain harm does take place.

But if you speculate on this topic and compare the opinions of specialists, then we come to the conclusion that ultrasound should be done. Since the potential harm from its use is still much less than from the untimely identified problem. Here are some examples: during ultrasound, it is possible to identify the developmental defects of the fetus (Down's syndrome, heart disease, etc.), intrauterine diseases, the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the condition and position of the placenta, the degree of its aging, the presence or absence of accent and much more . Especially when you consider that most of these negative factors can be affected, harm from the procedure of ultrasound diagnosis seems minimal. However, one should remember the golden rule that everything should be in moderation. Doing ultrasound every day just to make sure that the baby is fine, or just to see him, or try to discern the sex of the child - it's not only pointless, but also harmful. Hence the question naturally arises, but how many times can you make ultrasound pregnant?

About how often you can do ultrasound, there is also no consensus among doctors. But most of them believe that a minimum break between ultrasound diagnoses of the fetus should be 2 weeks. However, everything depends on each case. And about whether it is possible for a particular pregnant woman to do often ultrasound or not, can only tell her gynecologist. It is not uncommon that the placenta is prematurely aging, and its condition and the quality of its functions must be monitored regularly. In this case, even ultrasound can be performed once a week, and after 40 weeks even 2-3 times a week. But with the only amendment that this ultrasound will not again and again evaluate and measure the parameters of the fetus, and will look only at the placenta, and it will take no more than 5 minutes.

How many times does an ultrasound scan become pregnant?

At pregnancy two obligatory ultrasonic researches are provided.

The first screening is carried out at a period of 11-14 weeks. At the same time, the number of fetuses, heartbeats are checked, all parts of the baby's body are measured, and their presence is checked. In addition, the first ultrasound is corrected for gestational age, and the presence or absence of a threat of termination of pregnancy is assessed.

The second screening is carried out on a period of 20-24 weeks. This screening is considered the most important, and for its passage the pregnant woman is often referred to geneticists. Since during this ultrasound all the internal organs of the child are measured (the number of chambers in the heart and its work, measurements of the brain regions, the state of the kidneys and adrenals, and much more). At the same stage, it is possible to identify existing genetic diseases (the same Down syndrome), and, as a last resort, decide on the termination of pregnancy. At this time, the sex of the baby is also visible, but this is not an obligatory element of monitoring at the second screening, it is rather pleasant things for the parents.

But there is also the so-called third screening . He is not obligatory, and he is appointed only by a doctor. It is held from 32 to 36 weeks. This screen assesses the placenta state, the amount and condition of the amniotic fluid, the condition of the umbilical cord, assumes the weight of the baby, and also checks the presentation (head, gluteal, etc.)