Sand in the kidneys - 7 main causes and treatment rules

With a comprehensive examination of the urinary system, the establishment of the causes of the disease often reveals sand in the kidneys. This symptom is seen by doctors as a threatening factor, the first stage of development of urolithiasis.

What is sand in the kidneys?

The disease urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is known to almost everyone. In this pathological condition occurs the formation of stones (stones) in the organs that take part in the process of formation and excretion of urine. They complicate the outflow of urine from the kidneys, prevent it from moving along the ureters and outwardly. Sand in the kidneys can lead to negative consequences - urosepsis, peritonitis.

Concretes are a dense structure, which is formed from salts (phosphates, urates, oxalates). Their presence in large numbers in the organs of urination in the early stages of the disease, when the stones are still absent, is called sand in the kidneys. It is a suspension of proteins and salts, which have a small diameter - 0,8-0,9 mm. It is difficult to detect such salts in the kidneys with the help of ultrasound. Their presence is diagnosed by laboratory urine testing.

Sand in the kidneys - causes

Telling patients what causes sand in the kidneys, doctors call a variety of reasons. In the first place at the same time put forward a violation of the metabolic process. As a result of such changes, the level of salts in urine and blood increases.

Among the factors that provoke the formation of sand, doctors call:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Genetics have proven that relatives often have similar metabolic features, so the likelihood of calcification in patients whose family has had urolithiasis is increasing.
  2. Composition of tap water. It is established that patients with sand in the kidneys often live in regions where water hardness is increased. The content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium salts in a greater volume negatively affects the urinary system.
  3. Wet and hot climate. In such conditions, the human body evaporates less sweat, which causes a delay in the microelements in the blood, increased filtration through the tissue of the kidneys.
  4. Unbalanced diet. It is important to make the right menu to achieve the optimal ratio of meat and vegetables. With the predominance of plant components, alkalinization of urine occurs, and meat alkalinization occurs.
  5. Vitamin imbalance. Increase the volume of vitamin D with a decrease in the concentration of A and C.
  6. Hyperparathyroidism - an increase in the size of parathyroid glands. The disease is accompanied by an increase in the level of calcium in the urine, which provokes the formation of sand.
  7. Pathologies of the urinary system - congenital malformations, chronic pyelonephritis , glomerulonephritis, urethritis . Pathologies are accompanied by stagnation of urine, which increases the risk of deposition of salts.

What is the danger of sand in the kidneys?

An increase in the concentration of salts can lead to the formation of calculi from the sand in the kidneys. This occurs as a result of crystallization processes, with the formation of small pips on the surface of the sand, which in the course of disease progression increase in diameter. This leads to the fact that even small concretions formed can not independently leave the pelvis of the kidney. As a result of such changes, the risk of complications increases:

Sand in the kidneys - symptoms

When large amounts of salt accumulate in the kidneys, the symptoms of impairment may be absent. These formations have a microscopic size, so they do not violate the outflow of urine from the kidneys. The first signs of pathology occur when individual grains of sand grow to 3 mm in diameter or more. In such cases, renal colic may develop - severe pain in the kidney area, accompanied by a violation of urination. In this case, small salt particles injure ureters, urethra, which causes additional symptoms:

Pain in kidney sand

Explicit signs of sand in the kidneys appear when the permeability of the liquid is difficult, the movement of grains begins. This phenomenon causes pain, the intensity and nature of which can vary. At first, it is the pulling pains in the lumbar region, which intensify and become unbearable. Large grains of sand start destroying the mucous membrane of the urethra. After leaving the sand out, the patient feels relieved, but this does not mean that a cure has occurred.

There is sand from the kidneys - symptoms

Before the sand leaves the kidneys, patients notice a deterioration in overall well-being. In most cases, this phenomenon is preceded by prolonged physical activity, intense exercise, training, and sports. Initially, the patient notices discomfort, drawing pains in the waist. When the sand comes from the kidneys, the symptoms of the disorder can be as follows:

With the progression of the disease, primary and secondary additional signs appear. Among the primary symptoms of pathology, doctors call the emergence of a specific odor of excreted urine, which can not be overlooked. Secondary is an increase in body temperature, which indicates the development of infection of the urinary system. After the release of sand, patients feel relieved, but the situation may recur after a short time.

How to determine the sand in the kidneys?

In order to detect sand in the kidneys, ultrasound is rarely used. This study helps to detect small concrements. In order to identify sand in the kidneys, physicians prescribe laboratory tests of urine and blood. In such analyzes, the concentration of the following substances is diagnosed:

Sand in the kidneys - treatment

Faced with the disease, patients are often interested in doctors how to remove sand from the kidneys, which is necessary to do this. Doctors assure that there is no single universal prescription, each case is individual and requires careful study. However, all experts argue that in order to prevent re-accumulation of salts, it is necessary to revise your diet. The main directions of sand therapy in the kidneys are:

Drugs for removing sand from the kidneys

Drug from the sand in the kidney should be selected individually, according to the stage of the pathological process, the severity of the symptoms of the disorder. Dosage, multiplicity, duration of taking medications are indicated by the doctor. To prevent the appearance of sand in the kidneys, treatment at home should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Among the drugs used in the treatment are:

1. Diuretics:

2. Anti-inflammatory:

3. Painkillers:

4. Spasmolytics:

Sand in the kidneys - treatment with folk remedies

Telling patients how to treat sand in the kidney, doctors admit the use of folk methods in the complex therapy. Among the common methods of treatment and prescriptions, it is necessary to highlight the heating of the lumbar region with dry heat (a warmer). This leads to the expansion of the walls of the urinary tract, which facilitates the passage of sand. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Collection of herbs


Preparation, application

  1. Herbs are poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 3 hours.
  3. Apply during the day instead of drinking.

Diet with kidney sand

The main among the means and ways of explaining how to get rid of sand in the kidneys is often a diet. It is based on a decrease in the amount of salts entering the body. The determining factor is the type of concrements and sand, according to which the diet is selected.

With an excess of oxalates from the diet are excluded:

Recommended products:

Diet in phosphates involves an exception from the diet:

The diet includes: