Iris siberian - planting and care

Siberian irises are an excellent choice for ennobling the garden. They are completely unpretentious, able to settle down on almost any type of soil. Still this plant has a unique property - their powerful root system literally cleans the soil where they grow, from pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and also improves its fertile characteristics. This article will tell the reader about the peculiarities of planting Siberian iris and proper care for it.

General information

The height of Siberian irises can vary considerably depending on the variety. Usually it varies from half a meter to one and a half meters, but there are also dwarf subspecies of this plant. The color of flowers of Siberian iris can also differ significantly. In the gardens of lovers of these plants, they can be found in purple, blue, purple or yellow colors. Sometimes, in addition to the primary color, on the inflorescence there may be secondary shades in the region of the petal fringe, which may be orange or brown. The time when the Siberian iris is flowering in the garden, passes almost unnoticed, because it is about two weeks in early summer. But even after the end of flowering, this plant looks very decorative due to the lush dark green foliage. Flowering of Siberian iris, although not long, but the plant looks very effective in this period, because up to 10-12 flowers can be blossomed on one bush. We dare not tire the reader with the section devoted to the description of the Siberian iris, and we turn to the promised topic, that is, to the peculiarities of growing this plant.

Planting and care

Initially, it is necessary to determine the place of planting irises, because it is not easy to replant them. And there is nothing to it, because this plant can bloom in one place up to several decades. Optimal fit slightly shaded area, but on condition that the irises are planted no closer than two meters to trees or shrubs. The thing is that their root system is much more powerful than the Siberian iris, and from this the latter will constantly suffer from a lack of moisture. Also, gardeners should remember that the opinion about the need for abundant watering of the presented plant is not entirely correct. Of course, irises can withstand even spring floods, but at the same time their growth stops completely.

After choosing a place, it is recommended to treat it with a good herbicide concentrate to destroy the weeds. For these purposes, the "Hurricane" or "Tornado" is quite suitable, it is better not to be greedy, and use a double dose, because this plant very badly tolerates unwanted neighborhood. Standard agricultural technology reproduction of Siberian irises is the division of old shrubs. The best time for this is early spring, when young leaves are just starting to appear. Obtained bushes of irises are recommended to prune a third aboveground part and rhizomes. Thus, loss of moisture will decrease, and the plant will be less sick. Holes for these plants need to do this depth, so that the cropped roots do not bend at all. Then they are gradually sprinkled with soil and compacted. After that, irises are given a good watering, and a small layer of mulch is poured on top. For irrigation of these plants it is recommended to use the addition of ferrous sulphate - 30 grams per 10 liters of water. This prevents the acidity of the soil. After we figured out how to plant the Siberian iris, you should learn how to properly water the plant. It is best to do this until 10-11 am or after 20:00, then this procedure will bring maximum benefit.

We hope that this article will help to ensure that you have already blossomed in the garden in the next year irises.