Decorative bow - planting and care

Do you like decorating your garden with unusual plants? Pay attention to the so-called decorative bow. Lawn with it looks amazing: long peduncles from late spring to autumn, crown large violet, crimson or blue inflorescence-balls, which really resemble a similar flowering of an ordinary onion. There are varieties with smaller flowers, similar to bells. This kind of plant "scientifically" is called allium. So, for those wishing to create an original flower garden, we will talk about planting and caring for a decorative bow.

Planting decorative onions

For an allium, select an open or semi-shaded area. Soil should be with medium fertility and, most importantly, loose with excellent drainage properties. Overmoistening the plant tolerates poorly.

If to talk about when to plant a decorative bow, then the optimum time for this is considered to be early spring or September, so that the planted bulbs could take root.

To plant decorative bows in the garden make small holes 4-6 cm deep. The distance between the pits should be at least 30-50 cm.

Decorative bows - cultivation

In general, alloys are unpretentious plants, and therefore do not require special efforts from the gardener. But if you do not want to cause the death of a flower, it is important to observe moderation in watering, so as not to lead to suppuration of the roots. Watering the lawn is recommended only when necessary, that is, as soon as the earth dries out.

Fertilizer will provide decorative onion at your dacha blossom blossom and the power of green mass. Humus can be added during digging the site before planting. Also, plants respond well to potash fertilizers, so when planting in the holes, you can fall asleep a little wood ash. This fertilizer treats the soil during the budding period.

Experienced gardeners recommend that after the flowering, dig up bulbs and plant them back in autumn. This procedure will save planting material from decay and death.

In the garden and at the cottage decorative bows perfectly match with poppy, delphinium, peonies and irises. Tall grades are used for second plans of mixborders, planting in groups or singly, curbs along ornamental paths. Alloys are used in rock gardens and rockeries .

We recommend using decorative bows for cutting. In the vase with water, the flowers keep a fresh appearance for about a week. Dried, they are a great material for dry compositions.