How to crop the apple tree in the spring?

Apple trees are one of the most common garden trees. Care for them can not be called difficult and time-consuming, but some rules still need to be followed in order to get guaranteed high yields. In this article we will describe how to trim a young and old apple tree in spring and autumn . This knowledge will be useful to you, if in the past you did not encounter such a process.

Pruning young apple trees

If you planted a seedling of an apple tree on the plot, then in the first spring you should pay attention to the formation of its crown. The first pruning of young apple trees in spring should result in the formation of a small sparse crown with several tiers. This will provide the tree with a number of significant advantages in the future. First, the apple tree will start to bear fruit faster. Secondly, there will be no need to build a tree for the tree, because the crown will be balanced and balanced.

This crown should be formed from four to five branches, the stem must be 40-50 centimeters high. But from the central conductor you need to get rid of, cutting it at an altitude of about two meters. Also, the principle of combining sparsity and longlines should be observed, placing branches accordingly.

So, let's describe the process of pruning apple trees in spring (the dates of work - April-May). First cut the seedling, which does not have side branches, to a length of 80-85 centimeters. If there are side branches of the apple tree, then form the first layer of them, cutting the lower branch at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the ground, and the top - at an altitude of 50 centimeters.

After a year, choose among the branches of the first tier, those that are 45-55 degrees away from the trunk. On the opposite side of them, find the third branch. The distance from it to the angle of divergence should be about 50 centimeters. Shorten these branches a third of their length. If necessary, trim the guide. It should be higher than the other branches by 15 centimeters. Lower branches, which are too far from the trunk, tighten, tied with twine.

In the third year, conduct another pruning, subordinating the skeletal branches. By that time there should be at least four of them. After the season of vegetation, the central conductor should be cut to a height of two meters. Pruning apple trees in spring according to this scheme allows you to create a strong crown. At the same time there will be many branches, and a sheet device will be formed well.

Pruning old apple trees

You can trim old apple trees in autumn or spring. It depends on your goals. If you want to reduce the height of the old tree, it is better to trim the branches in the spring. In autumn, it is necessary to trim unproductive, rotten and broken branches, which will increase yield. Whatever it was, this procedure can be done only at a time when the sap flow is slowed, that is, in early spring or late autumn.

Remember, old trees can cut branches no more than two meters per year, otherwise yields will drop significantly. If your apple tree has a height, for example, 10 meters, then turn it into a three-meter-long tree can be no less than seven years. Pruning can be done in two ways. The first is an insignificant pruning of all branches for the same length. The second is the cardinal shortening of individual skeletal branches. The only condition is that all manipulations should be performed before the buds swell.

Do not forget about fertilizing the soil under the garden trees. This will stimulate the growth of strong young shoots.