How to treat abscesses in the throat?

The abscesses in the throat are not diagnosed as an independent disease. Their presence suggests that the organism is flourishing pathogenic microflora. Therefore it is important to know how to properly treat abscesses in the throat.

How to treat white ulcers in the throat medically?

The way to treat the abscess in the throat in adults depends on the cause of the pathological condition. If the cause is bacterial, prescribe antibiotics. Most often used such medications:

Significantly less often with healing of the throat, which is affected by pustules, antibacterial drugs are administered topically.

In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The most commonly prescribed is Acetylsalicylic acid. The course of admission - 7 days (three times a day for 0.5 g). The admission of this medication is aimed at preventing the development of rheumatism.

For irrigation of the throat may be prescribed Miramistin or Chlorhexidine or Cameton. In addition, the throat affected by the pustules can be rinsed with a solution prepared from a Furacilin tablet dissolved in a glass of cooled boiled water.

Also cure ulcers on the tonsils in the throat will help and additional treatment procedures. If necessary, the doctor may appoint UHF or another physiotherapy procedure acceptable to the patient.

A special place in the treatment of ulcers is the strengthening of the body's defenses. For these purposes, vitamin-mineral complexes can be prescribed. Moreover, strengthening of immunity will help hardening.

How to treat ulcers in the throat with folk remedies?

The patient, having coordinated the plan of actions with the doctor, can treat abscesses and at home. In this case, washing and irrigation are effective. A special drug will be needed for these procedures.

Rinse aid recipe


Preparation and use

Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, then take 25 g of collection and pour boiling water. Leave to insist half an hour, then filter. This drug can be used for both throat irrigation and as a rinse aid. Procedures should be performed 5-7 times a day.

Independently to open abscesses in no event it is impossible! In addition, during the treatment period, the patient is advised to refrain from consuming spicy, salty or heavily spicy food. Food and drink should be at room temperature. It is desirable that the food be puree-like consistency.