Corvalol in tablets

Corvalol is a popular antispasmodic and soothing remedy that can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet. More common is an alcohol solution of Corvalolum, in drops. But many do not know that Corvalolum (also Corvalol N) is also available in tablets. And if at home it does not really matter which form of the drug to choose, then when you need to take the medicine while away from home, the tablets are much more convenient than drops, which also need to be diluted. Yes, and to determine the exact dose of the drug is much easier, when it comes to tablets.

Composition of Corvalol tablets

Corvalol tablets of small size, white, slightly tapering to the edge.

The main active substances included in the preparation are phenobarbital, alpha-bromizovaleric acid ethyl ester and peppermint essential oil


One tablet contains 7.5 milligrams of the substance. Has a sedative effect, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, promotes the onset of sleep.

Ethyl alcohol of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid

One tablet contains 8.7 milligrams of the substance. Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect like an extract of valerian.

Peppermint essential oil

One tablet contains 580 micrograms of substance. It has a reflex antispasmodic and vasodilating, light choleretic effect.

As auxiliary substances in Corvalol tablets are:

Corvalol tablets - indications for use

Corvalol is used mainly as a sedative when:

As an antispasmodic agent, corvalol is prescribed for spasms of the intestine.

How to take corvalol in tablets?

Like any medical product, Corvalol requires compliance with the rules of admission and certain precautions.

How many Corvalol tablets can I drink?

Take the medicine for 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. When tachycardia is allowed a one-time increase in the dose to 3 tablets in one session. The maximum daily dose of Corvalol should not exceed 6 tablets.

How to drink corvalol in tablets?

Tablets can be swallowed, washed down with a small amount of water, or rassasyvat, putting the tablet under the tongue. It is believed that in the second case the drug acts more quickly, so this method of administration is preferable in the case of a single use of the drug, for the relief of any symptoms.

Combination with other drugs

Sedatives and drugs that affect the central nervous system, increase the impact of Corvalol, so when taking other medications it is better to consult a doctor.

Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but cases of an individual allergic reaction are possible. In this case, you should immediately stop taking Corvalolum and take an antihistamine. Slight drowsiness and dizziness are also possible.

Corvalol in tablets and alcohol

There is a misconception that corvalol can be combined with alcohol. This opinion is based on the fact that one of the forms of the preparation is alcohol-containing drops. In fact, you can not use Corvalol with alcoholic beverages in any case. According to the medical scale of the combination of medicines with alcohol, Corvalol is included in the third of the five categories. And that's why:

  1. First, corvalol enhances the sedative effect of other drugs, including alcohol, which can lead to serious consequences.
  2. Secondly, its main components have an effect opposite to alcohol. Alcohol accelerates the heartbeat and increases blood pressure, whereas corvalol on the contrary helps reduce blood pressure and eliminate tachycardia . Moreover, phenobarbital, included in its composition, with an overdose is very dangerous.

Therefore, the combination of a large dose of alcohol and corvalol can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences, up to cardiac arrest.