Custard pancakes

Pancakes are loved by many. Each hostess, perhaps, has a proven recipe. Now we will tell you how to cook the custard pancakes.

The recipe for custard pancakes



It is very convenient to make a pancake dough with a blender. We pour the yogurt into the bowl, drive the eggs and whisk them well. Now add salt, sugar and whisk again. We pour in water, pour the previously sieved flour and whisk until smooth. Now we put soda in an empty glass, pour it with boiling water. Then add the resulting mass to the rest of the ingredients and whisk again. Add the oil and mix. We give the test to stand for about a quarter of an hour. After that, heat the pan and fry the delicate pancakes.

Pancakes stuffed with milk - recipe



In a container, pour in 200 ml of milk. We pour salt, sugar, drive in eggs and pour in the oil. Mix well, pour in flour, without stopping to stir. The remaining milk is heated, slightly not bringing it to a boil. Immediately pour it into pieces in the dough. An important point - the lumps in the test are not allowed. If they have appeared, it is better to strain the dough. At the end, the soda is quenched with boiling water and added to the total mass and mixed. And to make the pancakes well removed from the frying pan, let the test brew for 20-30 minutes. Thanks to this, the gluten of flour will swell and the pancakes will come out more elastic. Fry them from two sides in a well-heated frying pan.

Tender pancakes on the water



We break eggs, add sugar and salt and beat well. Then pour in the flour and pour boiling water. Stir intensively with a mixer or submersible blender. Soda put out a second glass of boiling water, immediately pour into the dough, add the vegetable oil and stir again and leave it for 20 minutes. After that, fry the pan well, pour a little dough, distributing it evenly and fry thin pancakes.

Recipe for custard pancakes on yogurt



In a saucepan pour kefir, drive eggs, put salt, sugar and stir. We put the pan on the stove and heat the mass about 60 degrees, stirring. After that, pour the sifted flour. Soda is bred in a glass of boiling water and stir. Pour the mixture into the dough, add the oil and stir intensively. Let the test rest for about half an hour. Frying pan thoroughly warm, lubricate with oil, pour the dough, distribute it with an even layer and fry a pancake with one, and then with the second side.

Brewed dough for pancakes on whey



Boil the water, pour the sugar, salt and stir. Sift flour, pour into it about ¾ of the whole whey and knead the dough. Then pour the remaining serum and stir again well. Now with a thin trickle, stirring constantly, pour in hot water. Stir intensively. Eggs whisk to a lush foam and put into the dough. We give him 15 minutes to rest, and then fry thin lace pancakes.