Why do my eyes itch?

In the age of technology, people often meet not only with the convenience and practicality that computers and gadgets provide, but also with health problems, for example, suddenly the eyes start to itch and this continues for a long time. In addition, itching can be accompanied by pain or burning. Today, there are a lot of reasons for this problem - from diseases to overwork. Interesting is the fact that the cause can be determined by where exactly the itch appeared.

Why are the corners of the eyes itchy?

The reason why the corners of the eyes are constantly itching, often becomes a mucous inflammation of the shell of the eyeball, which is called conjunctivitis. Confirm the presence of the disease will help additional symptoms in the form of:

Despite the rather unpleasant manifestations, the disease is treated easily, and most importantly - quickly. But, even so, you should not do self-medication, it's better to see a doctor.

Also, itching in the corners of the eyes can be the result of an allergic reaction. In this case, the symptom is accompanied by burning and profuse tearing. Through the itching allergy is manifested not to all irritants, but only to some:

Why do my eyes itch?

The cause of itching inside the eye can be viral filariasis, which can be caused by a conventional mosquito bite. The parasite-helminth, which is transmitted in this way, first gets on the skin, and then - into the eyes.

The second reason is finding a lot of time at the computer. If every day you sit in front of the monitor for at least four hours - then there is a risk of a spasm of accommodation, which is accompanied by itching inside the eyeball.

Why are the eyelids flushing and blushing?

There are several reasons for the itching of the eyelids. It can also be an allergy or infectious disease:

Therefore, as soon as you begin to feel an easy itch, which does not stop for a long time, it is better to immediately consult a doctor until the disease has developed. In the initial stage, the disease is easier to eliminate than when it has already "consolidated" in the century.

In order to recognize the cause of itching in you, you need to know other manifestations of a probable disease. So: Blepharitis manifests through redness, peeling of the eyelids, which spreads along the growth of the eyelashes, as well as the loss of eyelashes and secretions from the eyes.

Demodecosis is a chronic disease and is provoked by ticks that parasitize the body. The disease has the following symptoms, in addition to itching:

Barley is characterized by itching at the site of infection. Within a few days, the eyelid will just itch, and then a small cone appears, which in a few days will grow into a relatively large formation. Barley is different in that for seven days it passes by itself, but if you deal with its treatment, then get rid of ugly cones on the eyelids can be an average of four days.

Why are my eyes swollen and swollen?

Swollen and itchy eyes due to allergic conjunctivitis, which is caused by irritation to household chemicals, drugs, house dust, improperly selected contact lenses or food.

Also, such symptoms can signal the overwork of the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to use drops that relieve inflammation and moisturize the mucous membrane. In order to correctly choose the drug, it is worth consulting with an ophthalmologist.