How to wake the child?

Early awakening is very few people enjoy. Even adults are not always able to restrain emotions and nervousness, if every day they have to get up, not dawn, let alone talking about children ... Few of the parents manage to wake children early in the morning, not thoroughly spoiling themselves and the children's mood. It is about how to wake the child in the morning, we'll talk in this article. We will also discuss cases when a quiet sleep of a baby is more important than planned cases and will try to figure out whether it is possible to awaken a child for feeding, bathing, meeting with relatives, etc.

How to properly wake a child to school or kindergarten?

In a dream, the activity of all organs slows down, the rhythm of the work of the brain is different than when you are awake, which means that it is almost impossible to wake up in a couple of seconds to a "working mood". Do not require the child to instant concentration and clear execution of all your instructions immediately after awakening.

You can not wake a child in the morning:

All of the above actions will give a single result - a bad mood, a spoiled day, resentment and quarrel since the morning. Agree, not the best beginning of the day.

Some parents do not wake up the kids until the very last minute, explaining this behavior with pity, the desire to let the children sleep an extra 10-20 minutes. It would seem that in this bad, but, as you know, well-intentioned ... In that case, the children do not have enough time to wake up really, dress and eat in a hurry, and often because of the child's "digging" there are conflicts. Although in fact avoiding problems of this kind is easy. Do you want your children to sleep a little more? Put them to bed early, but in the morning, wake up early, somewhere half an hour before leaving home (or even earlier, you need to orientate for the time that your children need to lie for 5-10 minutes in bed after awakening, stretch and collect without haste and running).

Another important point: sleep on vacation. Many doubt whether it is necessary to wake the child in the morning during the holidays or it is better to give him the opportunity to sleep as long as necessary. Of course, you can arrange for your baby a completely free schedule for the entire summer vacation period, but a few weeks before the start of the education, gradually return to early ascents.

How to wake a baby?

The theme of the newborn's sleep regime always takes young parents. How to wake a very young child, whether it is necessary to wake a newborn baby in the morning or let him sleep as long as he wants (because he does not have to rush to school or a kindergarten, and he can play at home with his mother or nanny at any time), whether to wake the child for bathing and feeding, if he sleeps or to move the procedure by the time the crumb awakes, - each family has its own answers to these questions.

In the first month of life, newborns usually have to awaken for feeding. At this age there is no clearly defined border between sleep and wakefulness, but the cycles of sleep periods are clearly expressed. That's why, before waking up child, notice how deep he is asleep. If the dream is very deep, it is better to wait until it turns into a slumber, and only then wake. Already by 2-3 months, the mother and mother have a clear sleep, feeding and treatment regimen, which should be followed. Single cases of violation of the regime (for example, the baby was overtired after the visit of grandmothers and fell asleep before bathing) is not so terrible. If it seems to you that the baby is constantly sluggish, does not get enough sleep (although it sleeps a lot), the regime is constantly getting in the way - contact a pediatrician. Only a specialist will be able to establish the cause of your problems and, if necessary, prescribe a cure, and if the baby is healthy - calm you down and remove anxiety.