How to catch a rat in a house is a homemade way

At all times, the problem of "neighborhood" with rats was considered one of the most painful. These large rodents not only drove family members into a panic, but also can seriously damage the health of the family and property.

That's why today there are more and more accessible self-made ways how to catch a rat in the house, who have already shown themselves in practice. In this article, we will talk about how to rid your house of dangerous rodents, in more detail.

Fighting rats in a private house?

If you decide to destroy uninvited guests on your own, you should remember the basic rules for the destruction of rats in the house. The first is to calculate where the nest of the pest is located. After all, catching a rodent is best near his lair, somewhere near the spoiled things and litter. Secondly, if the rodent is one, it must be destroyed as soon as possible, so that soon they become no more. And the third - all the baits and traps must be installed under the walls.

Since in a private house rats can hide anywhere, from the basement to the attic, it is superfluous to acquire a cat that would easily calculate and catch rodents.

However, this method does not always work. In this case, such self-made ways as to catch a rat in the house, like rat-catchers and traps, will be useful. For example, you can apply a special thick glue on a piece of plywood, in the center place a piece of fragrant bait. As a result, glued to the plywood, the rodent can not get out, and get rid of it will not be very difficult.

In the fight against rats in a private house is very good bait from flour and gypsum. Mixing these two ingredients, you can form small pieces, lay them near the nest of the pest or along the trajectory of its movement. Having eaten such a bait, the beast will not live long.

Another interesting and simplest homemade way to catch a rat in the house is to install a trap from a flower pot. It is enough to put an inverted clay flower pot on a piece of plywood and prop it with a "lodge" with a bait on the edge. Zverek rushes under the pot for a treat, shifts the "guards", and the pot covers the rodent completely. In such a trap, the rat can not make a tunnel and remain under the hood before detection.