What can you plant on seedlings in February?

Growing seedlings before planting plants on a permanent place is of no small importance. It will allow earlier to harvest, less susceptible to attack by pests and weeds. For certain vegetable crops, there is an optimal planting time. Consider what can be planted in seedlings in February?

Is it possible to plant seedlings in February?

In February, you can plant vegetables that have a long growing season. They may not have enough summer time, so they need seeding seedlings in February. Growing their seedlings before planting on a permanent place will favorably affect the development of plants.

It is necessary to follow such recommendations when caring for seedlings sown in February:

  1. Follow the lighting , with its lack of seedling will stretch. Therefore it is necessary to provide illumination with the help of fluorescent lights.
  2. Ensure optimum soil temperature for each plant species. Many of them are thermophilic and can die at temperatures below 15 ° C.
  3. To control the condition of the seedlings , since during this period the black leg can develop in plants.

What vegetables are planted in February for seedlings?

In February, you can plant the seedlings of these types of vegetables:

  1. Root celery - in the first week of February. His seedlings are planted at the age of 70-80 days.
  2. Pepper is the second decade of the month.
  3. Eggplants - the second decade of February.
  4. Tomatoes grown in greenhouses, and late tomatoes - they sow in the second decade.
  5. Mangold - since 20 February.
  6. Parsley - from 20 February.
  7. Basil - from 20 February.
  8. Some varieties of cucumbers.
  9. Sweet pepper - in the middle-end of the month. The seedlings of the plant grow very long and are completely ready for planting only after 60-80 days.

What is planted in seedlings in February-March?

Sometimes gardeners should not rush to planting seedlings. Of decisive importance can have a difference in a week, since at the end of February - beginning of March the duration of a light day increases slightly. Therefore, instead of highlighting, it becomes possible to keep seedlings under the rays of the early spring sun, which more favorably affects its growth.

In late February - early March, you can plant the following vegetables on seedlings:

  1. Leek.
  2. Garlic.
  3. Early tomatoes.
  4. Early cabbage.

Thus, knowing the necessary knowledge, you can determine what you need to plant on seedlings in February.