Fluid in the small pelvis in women - causes

Often after the passage of ultrasound, a woman receives a conclusion that she has an accumulation of free fluid in her pelvic cavity. In such cases, she is perplexed, because. It can not figure out for itself why it appeared, nor is it an illness. Consider this situation in more detail, and we will name the main causes of fluid accumulation in a small pelvis in a woman.

Because of what can a similar phenomenon be noted?

Before proceeding to possible causes of fluid formation directly in the small pelvis, it must be said that not always this type of symptomatology indicates a disease.

Thus, in women of reproductive age, its presence in the pelvic cavity can be noted in a short time after such a process as ovulation. In this case, the liquid in the small pelvis appears as a result of the contents of the bursted follicle falling into the space behind the uterus. It is worth noting that its volume is negligible, and after a few days it can not be visualized on the screen of the ultrasound machine. Given this fact, doctors recommend to undergo examination almost immediately after menstruation.

Despite the above-mentioned fact, in most cases the appearance of free fluid in the small pelvis is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis. It is this violation in the first place try to exclude physicians. The fluid can be noted when ruptures of cysts located in the ovaries, purulent salpingitis, acute endometritis and other disorders. It should be noted that as liquid contents can act blood, pus, exudate.
  2. Endometriosis. With this violation, the blood that emerges from the expanding parts of the endometrial tissue acts as the liquid that enters the small pelvis.
  3. Bleeding localized in the abdominal cavity may also be one of the causes of fluid (blood) accumulation in the small pelvis.
  4. Ascites are a disease that develops in liver diseases, malignant tumors. It is accompanied by a large accumulation of water in the abdomen.

In what other cases can this phenomenon be observed?

The appearance of fluid in the small pelvis during the onset of pregnancy is most often noted when the fetal egg is incorrectly localized. In such cases, it is in the fallopian tube. The disorder itself was called ectopic pregnancy.

With such a complication of gestation, the blood flow into the pelvic cavity from the ruptured fallopian tube is observed. Treatment is only surgical.

As can be seen from the article, there may be a number of reasons for the appearance of this type of symptomatology. Therefore, the main task of physicians is to accurately diagnose.