Sesame halva

Halva can be safely attributed to the traditional sweets of Central Asia. In the East, halva is considered a tasty and very useful product. The basis of halva is a paste from the seeds of oil crops or nuts, as well as sugar syrup or honey.

Today we will talk about sesame halva. The benefits of sesame halva are in the vitamin-mineral composition of the product, which contains vitamins of group E and F, and it is distinguished by its nutritional value, it contains zinc, calcium and magnesium. It can be said that the benefits of sesame halva are due to the unique natural composition of sesame seeds. However, it is not necessary to abuse such a delicious and useful delicacy.

The recipe for sesame halva



In a dry frying pan fry the sesame seeds, then let them through the meat grinder 5-6 times. The flour should also be roasted until it turns brown (on a dry frying pan). Thoroughly mix the ingredients, add a little sunflower oil. Due to the fact that sesame is a fatty product, our mass is viscous and homogeneous.

In a separate container, mix the milk with vanillin and sugar, bring to a boil and boil until high foam rises. Hot milk is poured into sesame weight and immediately stirred. Ready-made sweet "dough" is put on the water-soaked board, a layer of about a centimeter, and leveled. After 40 minutes, the halva will completely cool down, cut it into squares and serve it to the table.

Sesame halva with pistachios



Sesame and flour separately fry in a pan. Fried sesame seeds with a blender. Milled sesame seeds and flour are combined and mixed, while adding vegetable oil. In a separate saucepan combine milk, sugar and vanilla. Let the mixture boil. Pour the syrup into the sesame mixture and mix it quickly. The bottom of the form is covered with pistachios, we put our mass in it, lightly rammed and leveled. Let the halva completely cool down and then cut it into small portions.

Sesame Halva at home



Sesame crushed into coffee grinders before flour. Let's do cooking syrup. We combine sugar with vanillin. And we fall asleep mixture in the saucepan, we fill in half a glass of water and lemon or lime juice. Bring the mixture in the saucepan to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. We leave the syrup to stand, so that it will cool down a little, but stayed hot.

At this time, add the flour to sesame and fry a little in a pan (about 5 minutes). When sesame with flour will reach the readiness of pouring sugar syrup , if desired, you can add melted chocolate. The mixture is very well mixed until homogeneous. And lay out our halva on the forms, which must first be oiled with butter, then it was easy to pull it out.