7th month of pregnancy

In the seventh month of pregnancy, most of the woman's fears are left behind. After all, most of the period of bearing the baby is already passed. The future mother is already used to her condition. Now all her thoughts are connected with the way the childbirth will pass and the upcoming cares of the child born.

Child in 7 months of pregnancy

By this time the child in fact is already fully formed. But not all of its organs are fully developed, and the basic systems of the body do not work in full force. Only the stomach and intestine are formed to the end. Kidneys are developed, but they will work only after the birth of the baby. The lungs continue to develop. The child takes up almost all the free space in the uterus.

At 7 months of pregnancy, the most important stage in the development of the cerebral cortex occurs. The child is able to feel pain. The sounds he hears are slightly muted by the amniotic fluid. The fetus in 7 months of pregnancy distinguishes the taste of food. The length of the child at this time is about 38 cm, and the weight of the baby at the 7th month of pregnancy is approximately 1 kg.

The favorite position of the child in the womb at this time is a "kalachik" with crossed legs and arms. At this stage, the nerve cells begin to work and neural connections are formed. The speed of conduction of nerve impulses increases, and, therefore, the child develops the ability to learn.

The condition of a pregnant woman at the 7th month of pregnancy (28 weeks)

Since the weight of the woman by this time has already greatly increased, it becomes more difficult for her to breathe. This is not scary and is explained by the fact that the bottom of the uterus begins to press on the diaphragm, making breathing more difficult.

A growing abdomen can lead to the fact that a woman begins to suffer from insomnia. Therefore, a woman should rest when she feels that she needs it. The best position for sleep is the position on the side.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, a woman may be inconvenienced and disturb her:

Walking and a warm bath help to cope with these not very pleasant feelings.

Late toxicosis on the 7th month

If in the seventh month of pregnancy a woman has nausea and vomiting, this indicates the onset of late toxicosis. In such a situation, a woman should always consult a doctor. Late toxicosis is a serious complication of pregnancy. Late toxicosis is accompanied by hidden swelling of the feet, increased blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine and severe metabolic disorders that harm the placenta, which in turn leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

If a woman develops painless bleeding at the 7th month of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound in order to exclude placenta previa.

If a future mother has a bleeding with pain on the 7th month of pregnancy, she should urgently seek medical help. After all, these symptoms indicate the onset of premature birth (the so-called miscarriage in late pregnancy). In this situation, a woman is offered to lie down to be kept in a hospital. If, on the 7th month of pregnancy, there are pathological changes, then they resort to Caesarean section.

In the case of placental insufficiency and the emergence of a threat to the normal development of the child in 7 months of pregnancy, artificial births are stimulated.

Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

If pregnancy with a woman does not have complications, sex in this period is absolutely not contraindicated. And even vice versa. After all, the pleasure received by the mother is also useful for the baby.