How to wear beret correctly?

The history of the appearance of the beret dates back to the 15th century, when it still had the shape of a quadrangle, and was worn exclusively by priests. Only at the beginning of the last century the beret became an integral part of the women's wardrobe and the main hit among other headgear. To date, the female beret is a universal thing that suits ladies of any age and style. And yet there are certain rules and some limitations on how to properly wear a beret, for example, with a sports outfit - is not recommended.

There are many models of this headgear - miniature, voluminous, strict, airy, romantic. After picking the right shape, you can carry the beret in any convenient way for you. The main thing is not to stretch it excessively so that it does not sit tightly on your head.

Stylists recommend wearing a beret 1-2 centimeters above the hairline. The classical version is on one side. Especially good, thus, look berets decorated with a brooch or pompon.

Another headgear can be worn at the back of the head, or stretched over the forehead. However, the volumetric beret here will not work, since the creases formed on the sides can visually distort the proportions of the face. Dressing this way takes, you do not need to hide your hair - they should be visible at least from behind.

Stylish accessory at any time of year

The beret is universal also by the fact that it can be worn at any time of the year. In winter it is necessary to select rigid models from wool, fur, velvet and drape, in spring and autumn - from cashmere. Choosing with what and how to wear a knitted beret, remember that it is not recommended to pull on the forehead. This beret is perfectly combined with a coat, shortened cloak, jacket or cardigan.

Summer version - knitted lace beret. In such a headdress, any sunshine is not terrible. Openwork beret perfectly complements a beautiful summer dress , sarafan or top. It is large and very light, so you can experiment and choose for yourself how to wear a summer beret.