Products that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

In today's world, a huge number of people face a problem when the blood becomes very dense. As a result, this situation leads to the formation of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, stroke and other problems. In addition, dense blood does not tolerate oxygen in the body, which affects the whole body.

For all, there is good news - the scientists have established that if you make a menu correctly and include products that contribute to the dilution of blood, you can improve the condition of the vessels.

What products dilute blood and normalize blood circulation?

It is not recommended to make a diet exclusively from foods that dilute blood, as this can lead to other problems. It is still important to monitor the drinking regime, as well as to stop consuming large amounts of caffeine and alcohol. Cooking is recommended by extinguishing, cooking, baking and steaming.

Products that dilute blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels:

  1. In the diet should be fresh fruit, vegetables and berries, for example, cherries, oranges, lemons, currants, apples, cucumbers, etc. Among the entire list I want to highlight the Bulgarian pepper, which has the ability to restore the walls of damaged vessels and increase blood flow.
  2. Promotes the liquefaction of blood amino acid taurine, which is part of the chemical composition of seafood, fish, sea kale, etc.
  3. Products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help reduce cholesterol - fresh onions and garlic. It is important to eat either half a bulb or a chive of garlic daily.
  4. From the daily menu it is necessary to exclude butter and fats of animal origin. It is recommended to use olive oil and is best unrefined;
  5. Products that dilute the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots are nuts, with completely different varieties coming up. They include arginine - an amino acid, which reduces blood clotting.
  6. As a garnish recommended to use porridge, for example, buckwheat, rice and oat flakes. Sprouted wheat grains are also useful in this problem, but there is no more than a couple of spoons a day.
  7. Products that dilute human blood are legumes, for example, beans, peas, lentils and soy. They include many minerals and vitamins, which contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol from the body.

During cooking, be sure to use spices that help reduce blood clotting. It is better to give everything to variants with a spicy taste, for example, ginger and pepper.