
Hyacinth is a beautiful garden plant. The bright and abundant flowering of the hyacinth makes it widely spread on the territory of our country. Hyacinths are distinguished by early flowering - they blossom one of the very first and delight the eye with their bright colors. Flowers of these plants amaze with their wide color range - from the lightest to the blackest color.

The homeland of these beautiful garden plants is the Mediterranean. The first mention of hyacinths refers to the era of the Roman Empire. The name of the flower is associated with many legends. In addition to the flower, this name belongs to another subject, which is enveloped in many myths - the stone of hyacinth. In Europe the hyacinth flower was introduced in the beginning of the sixteenth century. This plant quickly took root in the northern lands and has since been admired by Europeans.

To date, two types of hyacinths have become widespread: garden hyacinth and aquatic hyacinth.

Hyacinth garden

Garden hyacinth is considered a heat-loving plant. Sharp cooling and abundant cold rains in the autumn are the main problems in the cultivation of hyacinths. Care for hyacinth is simple, but requires constant attention to the flowers.

Flowering hyacinth begins at the end of winter. After flowering, the aerial part of the plant dries out, and the onion rest in the earth for about six months until the next germination.

Buy bulbs hyacinths can be in any garden store. For the planting of flowers should be selected well-lit place, which is protected from drafts. Specialists in the cultivation of hyacinths recommend planting flowers near bushes and trees.

The soil for hyacinths should be regularly fertilized. These flowers like water-permeable land with a high content of humus. During the flowering period, hyacinths should be fed with ammonium nitrate.

In order to preserve bulbs of hyacinths for the next year, they should be excavated after flowering. Excavated bulbs should be dried, placed in a pot of earth and stored in a warm room until the next flowering period.

Growing blooming hyacinth can be done at home, but this process is much more difficult. Home hyacinth, devoid of fresh air and full sunlight, is susceptible to many diseases. The most common problems are: yellowing of flowers, distortion of peduncles, early wilting, lag in growth. The reason for the wilting of hyacinth flowers can serve too acidic soil, overmoistening, the use of manure not being decomposed as fertilizers. Home hyacinths are prone to yellow bacterial decay (darkening of stems and leaves).

Water hyacinth

The native land of aquatic hyacinths are the ponds of South America. This flower is a large rosette floating on the surface of the water. Water hyacinth has become widespread in our country and is well known to aquarists. It is used as an ornamental plant in aquariums and for interior decoration. But the greatest value of a water flower is its purification function. Hyacinth - an excellent water purifier from all kinds of pollution.

Flowering of these plants is an amazing sight. Water hyacinths make the most common reservoir into a real lagoon.

Photo of water hyacinths can be seen on a wide variety of calendars, postcards, dishes. Very popular wallpaper with the image of this flower.

Like the usual hyacinth, which is beautifully decorated garden, water hyacinth, placed in a transparent dish, decorate any room.