How to grow peonies in a cottage?

Bright, lush and sweet-fragrant peonies can be called the record-holder for recognizability - how these flowers look not only adults but also kids. But that's not how everyone knows about how to grow pions in the garden correctly. We decided to share some secrets of pion breeding in this article.

Where to plant peonies in the country?

To guess with a place for planting - that's half the answer to the question "How to grow peonies in the country?". Planted on the right site, the peonies will grow and blossom actively, and for so long that they even have time to podnadoest, because the life of the bush can last for more than a dozen years. What it is - an ideal pion place? First, well-lit, because a strong shading, even for 2-3 hours a day can lead to a significant decrease in flowering. Secondly, it is closed from the wind. Thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important - not subject to the stagnation of groundwater. Peony roots have an excellent safety margin, they are not afraid of either long enough droughts, summer heat or frost. But under the influence of water, they begin to rot, which leads to the death of the plant.

How to plant peonies in the country in the spring?

The second half of the success in growing pions is to observe all the rules for their landing:

  1. For breeding only young (2-3 year old) shrubs grown from chicks with completely renewed buds are suitable. More mature plants are difficult to acclimatize and are unlikely to flower.
  2. Plant peonies in deep (at least 80 cm) pits, which should be prepared for at least 14 days, filling them with two-thirds of a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers. The last third of the pit must be filled with ordinary earth.
  3. A peony bush is placed in a pit in such a way that the upper bud on the rhizome is 5-7 cm from the soil level. In the future, this distance will need to be carefully monitored, filling or scraping the ground.