Tattoo Wings - Value

The image of the wings on the human body causes associations with ease, airiness and freedom. Indeed, those who make tattoos with wings, want to rise above the earthly vanity, problems and find spiritual freedom. Tattoo wings have a deep meaning, which depends, first of all, on the version in which the sketch is executed, as well as the location of its location on the body.

Significance of tattoo wings

It should be noted that in rare cases such an image on the body can talk about spirituality. Most often, the angel's wings, pictured on the back, take on a similar meaning. This is a guardian of the owner of the drawing, able to protect against various troubles.

The tattoo of the wing on the arm carries the importance of boundless freedom, the struggle for justice. The hostess of this image wants to show that in life she values ​​lightness, carelessness, spiritual and personal development. The tattoo of the wing on the hand of the girl, portrayed in the style of fiction, speaks of an artistic, original personality, which has a huge creative potential.

The tattoo of the wings on the neck, whose meaning is in unearthly beauty, integrity and inviolability, is especially popular among the bright, good-natured and merciful natures.

Of particular importance is a heart tattoo with wings, symbolizing the search for pure, disinterested and mutual love. This image is often applied to its body by romantic people, for whom moral values ​​are above material wealth. A tattoo with a broken winged heart indicates that his mistress constantly remembers the past love . This is a sign that in the affairs of the heart person is disappointed.

The black cat with wings, symbolizing the duality of human nature, has a special meaning. This image combines both light and darkness, speaking of its owner, that it can reflect not only angelic features, but demonic ones.