Hypertrophy of the clitoris

Along with the normal development of the genital organs, including the female clitoris, there are also anomalies, which, in addition to the visual ones, also have functional abnormalities that interfere with normal life. In order to understand this difficult issue, you need to understand what the clitoris should look like.

What does a healthy clitoris look like?

This female organ consists of a head that is located at the very top and is covered by a "hood" of the clitoris. During the stimulation, it can increase to the observable dimensions, due to which friction occurs on the male penis, resulting in an orgasm. From the head, under which the hole of the urethra is located, the legs go into small labia.

Normally, a healthy clitoris protrudes slightly above the level of the labia majora, or is flush with them. If the clitoris is similar to a small tubercle or is not visible at all, then there is a maldevelopment of this organ.

What is clitoral hypertrophy?

But along with the normal organ, there is also its hypertrophic appearance. In a not too complicated stage, he looks like a male member in miniature, which is especially evident during excitement. The internal genitalia, as a rule, are developed according to the female type. In a more neglected stage of hypertrophy, the clitoris has overgrown legs and a hood, from which a semblance of the male scrotum develops, blocking the entrance to the vagina.

Hypertrophy of the clitoris begins to develop in the child still in utero and continues until puberty. The girl may not start monthly or come late with a few years. Outwardly, she looks more like a guy, with a male-style body. On the face and body there is increased hairiness, and the voice has a male timbre.

The reason is the excess in the body of androgen hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It is a congenital anomaly of fetal development, but fortunately it is rare enough - one case of five thousand.

Hypertrophy of the clitoris does not physically affect the sexual intercourse, but it can cause psychological discomfort in some women, which makes getting an orgasm problematic.