Prolactin analysis

Prolactinum is the pituitary hormone, which provides the development of the mammary glands during the pubertal period and during pregnancy, the production of milk during breastfeeding. To hand over the analysis of a blood on a hormone prolaktin the doctor can recommend both to women, and men.

When is an analysis for prolactin given?

To give the analysis of a blood on a hormone of prolactin at women recommend:

The blood test for prolactin in men is recommended:

Prolactin analysis - preparation

On the eve of the day when an analysis is planned for the hormone prolactin, it is recommended to avoid stress, to refrain from sexual acts, not to irritate the nipples of the mammary glands. For 12 hours before the test, you should not eat, and you can not smoke 3 hours before the test. To know how to properly pass the analysis of prolactin, you must remember that the level of the hormone can vary even throughout the day and depends even on when the woman woke up. Therefore, the analysis is taken between 9 and 10 am, but you do not need to get up until 6-7 in the morning. The level of the hormone in the blood also depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and therefore the analysis is carried out from 5 to 8 days from the first day of menstruation.

Analysis for the hormone prolactin - the norm

In women, the level depends on the presence of pregnancy. The norm of the analysis of prolactin in non-pregnant women is 4 - 23 ng / ml. In pregnancy, the results of the analysis on prolactin will differ - the level of prolactin during pregnancy is significantly increased. The rate at pregnant women is in a rather wide range and varies depending on the gestational age from 34 to 386 ng / ml. The growth of prolactin in the blood of pregnant women begins at 8 weeks, and the maximum level of prolactin is observed at 20-25 weeks. In men, the level of prolactin should not exceed 3 - 15 ng / ml.

What does the prolactin test show?

When a blood test of prolactin is obtained, its decoding is done by a doctor. It is not recommended to make conclusions independently, as the level of the hormone depends on many external factors of influence. Even improper preparation for analysis, stress or undiagnosed pregnancy can cause an increase in prolactin, which does not speak of any disease. If the doctor doubts the results of the analysis, he can prescribe a pregnancy test or ask for a retake of the analysis.

If the increase in prolactin levels is not in doubt, then this can be a sign of many diseases:

  1. Prolactinoma (a hormone-producing tumor of the pituitary gland), the level of prolactin at which usually exceeds 200 ng / ml. Other symptoms are amenorrhea, infertility, galactorrhea, impaired vision, headaches, obesity, increased intracranial pressure.
  2. Hypothyroidism (a decrease in the thyroid gland), in which the level of blood in her hormones decreases, and also obesity, dry skin, swelling, menstrual disorders, depression, drowsiness and fatigue.
  3. Polycystic ovary , which will also include violations of the menstrual cycle, hirsutism, infertility.
  4. Other diseases in which prolactin rises - anorexia, cirrhosis, kidney disease, tumors of the hypothalamus.

Reduction in the level of prolactin is usually not treated and is more often observed after taking certain medications (Dopamine, Levodopa), but it can also be a sign of diseases such as tumors and tuberculosis of the pituitary gland, as well as the result of head injuries or radiotherapy of the pituitary gland.