Hydroponics with your own hands

Hydroponics is a method in which plants are grown not in the soil, but in an airy moist or solid and porous medium. Because of the lack of soil, in which, as a rule, mineral elements necessary for growth and development of the plant are present, seedlings grown on hydroponics must be very often or even constantly irrigated with a special solution of mineral substances. The creation of a hydroponic system with our own hands allows us to create a solution that meets all the needs of the grown plant. As a solid porous medium, crushed stone, expanded clay, moss , gravel, vermiculite and other similar materials that do not become heavier from water can be used.

Types of hydroponics

There are a lot of varieties of hydroponics systems. But in general, there are two main varieties: active and passive systems.

When the passive hydroponic system is implemented, the solution enriched with mineral elements is not exposed to external influence, but enters the root system directly with the help of the capillary forces of the plant. This type of hydroponics is called wick.

To organize an active system, it is necessary to use hydroponics equipment, which will circulate the nutrient mineral solution. Pumps are used for this purpose.

Home hydroponics

You can also assemble the hydroponics unit at home. To do this you will need:

PVC pipes with holes sufficient for the installation of pots, are located on the stand. A tank of water and a nutrient solution into which the pump is submerged is located below the stand. To ensure a uniform circulation of the liquid, the structure should be kept at a slight slope. Thus, the solution entering the upper part of the tube will irrigate the root system of the plants, and excess water will fall back into the tank. It is also necessary to install the hydroponic lamps if the system is installed in the Indoors or at home, because the seedlings will need additional lighting.

Control of plants

In order to avoid problems with growing plants, it is necessary to check the level of water entering the seedlings daily. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of fertilizers for hydroponics, that is, for the composition of the solution of nutrient minerals. If it is selected in accordance with the needs of the plant, then the seedling will develop much faster than when grown in the soil. The wrong choice of fertilizers can cause the death of the plant or the accumulation of harmful substances in the fruit.