Zabrus - medicinal properties, how to take?

Zabrz is a product of beekeeping, which can be considered a kind of building material and preservative. The bees, after they fill the honeycomb with honey, are closed with a "lid", which the beekeepers then cut off. Zabrus, like honey, has useful properties that people have been using since ancient times to treat various diseases and improve overall well-being. Many beekeepers unknowingly throw out the top layer of honeycomb, not knowing that they make a mistake.

How to take zabrus and its medicinal properties

The chemical composition of zabrus is truly unique, as it took a little from honey, royal jelly and other bee products. There are vitamins, minerals, essential oils, monosaccharides, etc. in it.

Useful properties of bee zabrus:

  1. It has a bactericidal property, so it is recommended to take it for colds, tonsillitis and flu. This product copes well with microbes. Helps zabrus strengthen immunity, so the body will be easier to resist different infections.
  2. Useful for the restoration of metabolic processes, so nutritionists recommend using zabrus in their diet for people who want to lose weight. In the morning it is necessary to drink 1 tbsp. water, which must first be put 1 teaspoon zabrusa.
  3. Useful properties of zabrusa due to the presence of spasmolytic action, so it is recommended to use it if there are problems with the stomach and intestines. This beekeeping product helps with constipation and upset stomach. It is impossible not to note the properties of zabrusa absorb toxins, slags and other harmful substances, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  4. It has a disinfecting effect, so it can be used to infect wounds. In addition, useful substances contained in zabruse, contribute to faster healing of wounds.
  5. The therapeutic properties of bee zabrusa are associated with its positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. It helps to tolerate stressful situations, fight headaches and insomnia.
  6. Not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine use this beekeeping product to relieve pain and remove inflammation in the joints.
  7. Even in antiquity it was noticed that chewing zabrusa - a natural way to care for your teeth. Thanks to antimicrobial substances, the oral cavity is cleared, and the gum is healed.
  8. The agent with a hangover syndrome well consults.
  9. It is recommended in the presence of a cold, sinusitis and sinus inflammation. Improvement can be noticed after the first reception of the remedy.

To get medicinal properties, it is important to understand the rules of using zabrusa in folk medicine. Use this product as a chewing gum, chewing a small piece until it loses its flavor. Usually the process lasts about 5 minutes. After that, you can spit the cake, but it is most useful to swallow it, because after it enters the stomach it continues to act as a sorbent, removing harmful substances from the body. Children should mix zabrus with honey in equal proportions. Another version of the application of this beekeeping product is to dissolve it in water, which will make it possible to get a nectar drink useful for the recovery of the whole organism.

Contraindicated zabrus people who have an allergy to bee products, and also consider the possibility of individual intolerance. It is not recommended to give zabrus to children, if they are not yet three years old. It is best to seek medical advice before using this product.