
Hyperandrogenism is a clinical condition of the female body when there is an overabundance of male sex hormones androgens (testosterone). The female organism in small quantities produces this hormone by the adrenals and ovaries. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the muscles of the myocardium and the development of skeletal muscles.

However, when testosterone is produced in excess quantities, this leads to the development of the syndrome of hyperandrogenism. The disease refers to the disruption of the endocrine system.

Hyperandrogenia - symptoms

External signs of hyperandrogenism is increased hair growth on the hands, legs and face. On the face often there can be acne eruptions and even inflammations. However, do not confuse hyperandrogenism with increased sensitivity to androgen, which is inherent in many women in the southern regions. This is due to increased hair growth and other signs in women from this ethnic group.

With true hyperandrogenism, the problem is much deeper and affects the metabolic processes that are violated, which leads to a risk of developing diabetes and obesity. Internal symptoms of hyperandrogenism are multiple cysts in the ovaries (polycystosis) , which leads to violations of the menstrual cycle, ovulation and ultimately leads to infertility.

And if a woman still manages to become pregnant, often all ends in a miscarriage. This is due to the inadequate production of another sex hormone, progesterone. If the pregnancy was saved and the case came to the delivery, then they can be accompanied by an early discharge of amniotic fluid, insufficient labor activity. All this can also be attributed to the symptoms of hyperandrogenism.

Causes of hyperandrogenism

The main culprit of the disease is testosterone. And since it is produced by the adrenal and ovaries, the cause of hyperandrogenism in women is a disruption of the work of these organs.

The main cause is called androgenital syndrome. In the adrenal glands, many hormones are produced, including testosterone. And under the action of a special enzyme of the ovaries testosterone and other hormones are converted into glucocorticoids. And if there are not enough enzymes in the ovaries, the transformation stops and testosterone begins to accumulate in the body.

Another cause of the disease is an increased production of testosterone in the ovaries themselves. And a separate cause is different tumors in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Of course, the endocrine system includes other organs. And violations in their work can also lead to the development of hyperandogens.

Hyperandrogenism - Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of hyperandrogenism is based on certain analyzes, ultrasound examination, elucidation of the details of puberty and the initial manifestations of the disease and the finding of a connection between these events. Symptoms of the disease can appear at any age, so it is difficult to talk about age predisposition or congenitality.

Treatment of hyperandrogenism directly depends on the causes of its appearance, as well as on the goals. If treatment is started for the sake of pregnancy, it is not enough to get rid of the external manifestations of the disease.

If it is associated with the formation of tumors, then they are removed surgically. If the disease led to obesity, then in addition to traditional therapy, the doctor will make the prescriptions to return to the previous weight.

To the attention of the women, faced with this problem, today it is treated with great success. You can not only get rid of ugly external manifestations, but also have a chance to give birth to a baby.