Pleurisy - treatment

The surface of the chest and lungs are covered with a thin membrane called the pleura, which consists of connected leaves. Under the influence of various processes in the body they can become inflamed causing pleurisy - the treatment of this disease is complicated by the fact that it rarely arises on its own, being a consequence of other injuries to the respiratory system.

Types of disease

Treatment for pleurisy of the lungs directly depends on the cause that caused it, as well as the type of illness. There are following forms of the disease:

Among the varieties of the latter group of ailment it is worth noting the imprisoned type, since this pleurisy is most dangerous due to the accumulation of a huge amount of exudate in the lower parts of the pleural area, as well as numerous pathological fissures of the petals. The serous membrane changes considerably, becomes harder, becomes covered with a crust, which, in turn, leads to the development of respiratory failure and empyema of the lungs.

Treatment of pleurisy at home

It should be noted that it is possible to independently treat the disease under consideration only with its mild forms and in combination with traditional medicinal preparations.

Treatment of lung pleurisy with folk remedies


  1. Fresh aloe leaves to wash, peel off, grind.
  2. Mix the mass in an amount of 300 g with a similar amount of natural honey and 250 g of fat badger.
  3. Put the ingredients in the oven (200 degrees), bake for about 20 minutes.
  4. Strain the medicine, drain the liquid into a clean glassware.
  5. Take the drug on a third of a standard glass three times a day after half an hour after a meal.


  1. Grind the cleaned root vegetables of black radish, squeeze the juice.
  2. Mix the liquid with honey in the same ratio.
  3. Drink a medicine 15 ml 3 times a day, regardless of when was the last meal.


  1. Half a kilogram of onions (onions) is cleaned and well chopped.
  2. Raw pour dry white wine in the amount of 700 ml, add a glass of liquid flower honey and mix well.
  3. Keep container with components in the refrigerator for a week, periodically shaking the contents.
  4. After the allotted time, drain the drug, take 20-25 minutes before meals (you need to eat 4 times a day).

Treatment of pleurisy with folk remedies should be agreed with the attending physician, since some recipes can be dangerous for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pleurisy of the lungs - treatment with antibiotics

Drugs that destroy bacteria are relevant only in the case of the infectious nature of the primary disease. Treatment of pleurisy with antibiotics is justified if it is caused by a tubercle bacillus or staphylococcus. In other cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, as well as mucolytics and glucocorticosteroids. In addition, it is desirable to take vitamins, immunostimulating agents.

Purulent pleuritis involves treatment in a hospital environment, as it requires periodic evacuation of the exudate accumulated in the lungs. In addition, this diagnosis is subject to antibiotic therapy with a constant correction of the dose of prescribed drugs. Of considerable importance are also proven methods of local effects, such as tight bandaging of the sternum (lower sections), warming compresses that promote expectoration, use of iodine tincture.

A complex of therapeutic measures for pleurisy includes a diet with a limited amount of salt, carbohydrates and liquids. The diet should be enriched with protein and vitamins.