Why does the child have blood from the nose?

Most of all parents care about their babies' health. However, even the strongest and persistent little boys sometimes make adults worried.

So, very often the cause for concern are bleeding from the spout in young children and adolescents. This phenomenon is very common, but not always harmless. It requires the establishment of cause-effect relationships, and sometimes a comprehensive survey.

Determine the main reasons for the problem, why the child is bleeding from the nose, as well as the necessary measures for first aid.

Why did the child bleed from the nose: the reasons for the local nature

A healthy child is an inexhaustible source of energy, he indulges, plays, runs and jumps. Of course, with such a rhythm of life, injuries can not be avoided, while bruises and injuries can be minor, and may have more serious consequences, for example, nosebleeds. Most often, as a result of the injury, the integrity of the vessels of the anterior part of the nasal septum is broken, which is fraught with the appearance of a small bleeding, which, as a rule, stops quickly and independently.

If the vessels located in the upper or posterior nasal cavity are damaged, it is almost impossible to stop bleeding at home. In this case, you need as soon as possible to apply for qualified help.

In addition, leading to the appearance of blood from the nose can: careless removal of crusts, over-dried air in the children's room, foreign objects entering the nasal cavity.

Proceeding from the foregoing, it becomes clear - in order to establish the reason why the child had blood from the nose, it is worth remembering the events preceding it. In particular, whether the baby was struck, whether the hygienic procedures were carried out the day before, or maybe the parents simply forgot to ventilate the room.

But, unfortunately, there are a number of more serious diseases and pathologies, a sign of which can be bleeding from the nasal cavity. Namely:

Why does a child often run nose blood: causes of a general nature

Nasal bleeding can be frequent and single. Basically, the latter are caused by mechanical damage or an incorrect temperature regime. Sometimes children with similar problems face after a long stay in the sun, visiting the bath or physical stress. Also, nosebleeds are the lot of crumbs that react sensitively to changes in atmospheric pressure. However, if a young child or teenager has nose blood running often enough, find out why this should happen immediately. Because regularly repeated nasal bleeding may be the result of more serious diseases, such as:

Often, to find out the cause of the occurrence of repeated nasal bleeding, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and take a lot of tests. In turn, parents need to remain calm and wait for the doctor's conclusion, with which further actions will be coordinated.