Raised basophils

Each indicator in the results of a general blood test carries certain information. But it's not always possible to get an appointment with a doctor to get an explanation, so you need to know what they mean. One of the important components of the blood, responsible for the reaction to the onset of the inflammatory process in the body, are basophils.

Let's figure out what it means if the basophils in the blood test are increased, what are the main reasons for this and what needs to be done.

What is the use of basophils?

Basophils are a small part of white blood cells, which belongs to the category of granulocytes. They perform the function of an indicator when an inflammatory process or foreign body appears, as well as provide the body's response to allergens, in the form of rhinitis or anaphylactic shock. The increased content of these cells is called basophilia.

If the number of basophils exceeds the norm (0.5-1%), the number of all white blood cells, then to determine the reasons for their increase, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of other blood cells.

The main causes of increased basophils in the blood

First of all, the cause of an increase in the number of these cells is inflammation or allergy. But, if the body's reaction proceeds rapidly and there is a risk of developing an anaphylactic shock, only basophils will be increased, with an increase in the index and lymphocytes, indicating a slow flow, expressed in the rhinitis, urticaria, or cough.

The interaction of such blood cells as monocytes, basophils and eosinophils, expressed in the fact that their indicators are increased, speaks about the work of the human immune system, which is most often aimed at fighting foreign bodies: bacteria, viruses, parasites. This is typical for all infectious diseases and helminths.

In addition, the reason for their increase may be:

In women, basophils may increase in the first days of the menstrual cycle, at the time of ovulation and when pregnancy occurs. Such pathologies pass independently.

To determine the true cause of basophilia, one blood test is not enough, you need to go through a number of additional studies of the whole organism.

How to lower the level of basophils?

If the basophils in the blood are elevated due to one of the listed diseases, then their level will return to normal after the treatment of the primary disease.

But sometimes basophilia is detected in healthy people, then it is necessary to use these recommendations:

  1. Increase the saturation of the body with vitamin B12, because he is actively involved in the process of formation of blood cells and the work of the brain. This can be done by taking special medications or adding to your diet dishes from meat, kidneys, eggs and milk.
  2. Stop taking drugs that cause increased production of basophils.
  3. To include in the diet iron-containing vitamins and foods: liver (especially chicken), buckwheat, fish and other seafood.

Increased content of basophils in the blood is not an independent pathology of the body, it appears as an additional symptom, so do not self-medicate or just wait until it passes, and should immediately consult a doctor.