Leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy

Such blood cells, like leukocytes, take a direct part in the work of the body's defense system. That is why in the occurrence of any inflammatory process, the immune system primarily reacts to this phenomenon by the increase in the number of these cells. Therefore, the detection of leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy indicates the presence of an infection or inflammatory process directly in the reproductive system. Let's take a closer look at this situation, and try to identify the most frequent reasons for this.

Is it possible to have these cells in the smear when the baby is born?

It must be said that in normal pregnancy, the presence of leukocytes in the smear is allowed only in a single amount. So in the field of view of a microscope, a lab technician conducting research can detect no more than 10-20 units of this kind of cells. If the smear is taken directly from the urethra, physicians admit the presence of not more than 5 units of white blood cells, in cases where the material for examination is taken from the uterine neck, the presence of a smear of no more than 15 leukocytes is allowed. With an increase in white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy to values ​​exceeding these parameters, doctors say the presence of a foci of inflammation in the reproductive system.

What are the reasons for the increase in the number of white blood cells in the smear in women in the situation?

An increased number of white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy is a cause for concern for health professionals. After all, this fact only means that in the body of a woman there is an infection that can adversely affect the development of the baby and the course of pregnancy in general.

In such a situation, the main task of doctors is to correctly establish the cause of this phenomenon. As a rule, such violations can be caused by such violations as:

How is the diagnosis of violations carried out?

In most cases, immediately to establish why in a smear during pregnancy leukocytes are raised, specialists can not. In order to find out the reason for this, the future mother is assigned a set of diagnostic laboratory tests. Among them are:

What measures are taken if there are many leukocytes during pregnancy in a smear?

Often, this kind of disturbances can be partially caused by a change in the hormonal background, which is observed with each pregnancy. So, in view of reducing the protective forces of the body, at the beginning of the gestation process, various inflammatory processes often begin to manifest themselves, which until then have been virtually asymptomatic, and did not disturb the woman in any way. For example, against the background of changes in the work of the hormonal system, often in women in a position for a very short period of time, there is candidomycosis, which before that did not make itself felt.

In those cases when the number of white blood cells in the smear in pregnant women does not correspond to the norm, doctors start corrective actions. So during the therapeutic process, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed. First of all, in such cases the term of gestation is taken into account. From a woman, unquestioning compliance with medical prescriptions and recommendations is required, strict adherence to dosage and the frequency of medication.