
Masculinity is a trait that is very good for men, but these days it is more and more often found in women. If you turn to the dictionary, then this word is determined by a set of qualities that, according to universal beliefs, should belong to a man: courage, courage, strength, steadfastness. However, such a set can decorate any person.

Signs of masculinity

On account of what constitutes true masculinity, there are many different points of view. Speaking generally, the courageous people are called people who have the following list of qualities of character :

  1. Courage, fearlessness in deeds, and not in words.
  2. Strength of spirit, will, character.
  3. Persistence in the face of danger and difficulties.
  4. Hardness in their decisions.
  5. Ability to keep this word no matter what.
  6. Serious attitude to life, words and actions.
  7. Stoicism, confidence, lack of change of mind and the ability to "not bend" under others.

This list can be continued, but the point is already clear. Although the whole complex is called a devil of manhood, it can belong to both a man and a woman.

How to develop masculinity?

Many women in our time do not want to be fragile and refined - they are ready to make their own decisions, to answer for their words, to show willpower and confidence in their actions. However, this is not given to everyone, and some only dream of becoming courageous. In this regard, the following recommendations can be made:

  1. Develop responsibility. No word should be said for no reason. If you made a promise, you must fulfill it. If you made a decision - it should be considered and not subject to appeal.
  2. Develop your willpower. You need to start with a small but useful: give up sweets or other harmful food or start attending the gym. And for the figure, it is useful, and it perfectly develops willpower . Sladkoezhke walk past the pastry shop is extremely difficult, however, the ability not to be wasted on small desires along the way to the goal (in this example, it's health and harmony) is one of the sides of masculinity.
  3. Develop courage. You need to start small - for example, learn to say "no" when you want to say "no." Or express your own opinion, even if you know that support may not meet it. The ability not to be afraid of showing oneself is a high degree of masculinity.

Working on yourself in this vein, you will notice that over and over again it becomes easier and easier for you to show masculinity. Thus, you will easily develop the desired feature in all its manifestations.

The problem of masculinity

In addition to positive moments, the development of masculinity can bring some problems to your personal life. The fact is that a person who makes high demands on himself, presents them to others. And this means that if you do not find yourself near too manly man, you can not be with him, because he on your background will suffer from a lack of a mass of qualities that you have developed in yourself, or received from birth.

Courageous women find it harder to find a partner in life, because in our days a man of courage is not so common. More and more of them do not understand that it is necessary to restrain the given word, not to indulge your weaknesses and everything in this spirit. Respect for such a person is quite difficult, and re-educate - sometimes impossible.

And, nevertheless, even with all these complexities taken into account, masculinity still remains an incredibly important and respected feature. Therefore, if you are not afraid of such difficulties - boldly work on your character and gain inner strength.