Cake with meat on yogurt

Delicious, hearty and quick to prepare a pie with dough meat on yogurt can be baked to a family lunch or dinner on weekends.

The cost of products will be minimal, in fact such a pie can be made from leftovers.

Jellied pie with meat and potatoes on kefir in the oven - recipe


For filling:

To fill:


First we prepare the filling: we cook potatoes and we rub it. Minced meat and chopped mushrooms will lightly be saved in a frying pan in butter until the meat color changes. We will combine forcemeat with mashed potatoes. Season with spices, add crushed garlic and chopped finely greens - it will improve the taste and structure of the pie. Slightly add the filling and mix.

Now we prepare the dough for kefir for a pie with meat. In the flour mixed with starch, add the egg, a pinch of salt and soda, pour kefir. Mix with a mixer or fork. The dough should turn out to be soft, elastic, not hard, but also non-liquid.

Pouring: we mix 2-3 eggs, fine-grained cheese, a little flour and a little kefir - a relatively liquid flowable substance should be obtained. If cheese was not found, do not get discouraged, do what you found on the farm.

Turn on the oven in advance - let it warm up.

Building a pie

From the dough, roll out a thin cake-substrate and spread it into a mold (of course, oiled) so that the edges protrude slightly beyond the rim (it's even better to spread the bottom with oiled baking paper).

Fill the substrate with the prepared filling, gently level the spatula. On top of the layer - fill, evenly distribute it over the surface.

Place the form in the oven, bake the cake for 45 minutes at medium temperatures. If you have a little grated cheese and chopped greens, you can sprinkle them with a mixture of already prepared pie, it will get even more delicious.

Before cutting into segments, we'll give the cake 15 minutes to stand.

To such baked goods we serve freshly brewed tea or a warm compote of dried fruits.

Thanks to the use of different products (or their remains found in the refrigerator), we have prepared a non-trivial, luxurious and satisfying bakery dish.