How to understand that you fell in love?

We girls are strange people and we often can not find a definition for our feelings - it's hard to breathe when you see it, your head is spinning. How can I understand if I fell in love or go to the doctor, to find out if it's simply ORZ?

Jokes are jokes, but in fact, what do we know about falling in love, how do you understand that you fell in love and generally learn this feeling? The following changes in your behavior will come to your aid.

How to know that you fell in love?

Can not sleep peacefully, because you do not know whether you are in love or not? Then, now we will understand how to understand that you fell in love with a man, focusing on the following signs.

  1. I want to see the object of my passion, as often as possible, or better still be with him nearby.
  2. All thoughts and conversations are now only about him, the girlfriend already can not hear his name, but you do not care.
  3. The character has changed, you have become much softer and kinder - let everyone be just as good as you.
  4. All thoughts are only about him, and therefore focus on something else is very difficult - study and work begin to suffer from such behavior. By the way, thoughts are not released day or night, so it's also difficult to fall asleep. A very impressionable person can forget about food.
  5. Previously, special attention was not given to appearance, but now you select the most successful combinations of wardrobe items for hours, think through your hair and make-up, and even follow the manners in his presence.
  6. He is so interesting to you that you turn into an investigator - you collect all available information about him, you start to be interested in his hobbies, so that there are common themes, occasions to meet.

How to understand love or love?

I think, to say that love and love, different concepts are not worth it, so it's all known. But how to understand that you really love a person, is not this love in love?

  1. The main sign of love is the lack of calculation, the desire to give and sacrifice much, if only my beloved was well. Lovers want to receive, and lovers try to give each other more.
  2. Lovers usually do not see the faults of each other, lovers know about them, but do not criticize, accepting the person as he is.
  3. Love can not tolerate separation, but love can wait it out.
  4. Lovers do not escape from problems, but solve them together. Love, however, is inclined to close your eyes to everything.
  5. Lovers begin to think in other categories, the pronoun "I" is increasingly replaced by the word "we", because the idea of ​​separate existence is no longer tolerated.
  6. You can fall in love and in several at the same time, but to really love only one.
  7. You can fall in love after a few minutes of dating, sometimes just a couple of phrases. With love it does not happen that way, it needs time and considerable. It is required to understand and accept a person.
  8. Love is inherent in uncertainty, doubt, it is the lovers who doubt each other, do not trust in everything. Lovers know for sure that they need each other. There is no room for doubt in love.

Love or habit?

Well, we have learned how to distinguish love from love, but there is one more question that often plagues women. It sounds like this: "How do I understand I love or is it just a habit?" On the one hand, everything is simple, if you are visited by thoughts like "I do not understand - love or not," then most likely there is no love here and does not smell. It's another matter if the relationship has been going on for a long time, the novelty has passed, the fire in the eyes has subsided, and doubts have arisen, whether this wonderful feeling has outgrown the habit. Here, without a long and unpleasant self-interest can not do. Here are a few areas in which it is worth "digging."

  1. Are you pleased to do something for him? Or do it simply because you are already accustomed to this state of affairs?
  2. Are you annoyed by some of his habits so much that you are ready to make a scandal because of this?
  3. You tend to respond indifferently to everything "yes, dear," instead of arguing in something?
  4. Did both of you have secrets? Although they are difficult to name with secrets, both of you are simply not interested in each other's business.
  5. Do you like spending time with your friends, at work or alone in front of the TV, and not with him?