Eye drops Albucid

Albucid - a drug with a pronounced antibacterial property, is widely distributed in ophthalmology in the treatment of infections, inflammatory processes, is often used for their prevention. Eye drops Albucid easily penetrate into the tissue, stopping the growth of pathogens. The drug is popular with patients due to the high speed of action, the lack of the need for a prescription for purchase at the pharmacy.

Eye Drops Albucid

The main active ingredient of the drug is sulfacetamide, the amount of which in the solution can reach 30% or 20%. A large concentration is for adults, 20 percent drops for children. Additional elements include distilled water, sodium thiosulfate, hydrochloric acid.

The drug is a colorless liquid, which is poured into polyethylene bottles of 5 and 10 milliliters and equip with a dropper.

Eye drops from inflammation Albucid

The therapeutic effect is achieved through the intrusion of droplet components into the metabolic processes of microbes. Sulfacetamide causes a disturbance in the absorption by bacteria of the substances necessary for their growth, due to which the bacterial wall is destroyed. Albucid actively fights against diseases caused by:

Drops are used for various inflammations caused by infections, the pathogens of which are sensitive to sulfacetamide. Albucid is prescribed for various damage to the tissues of the organs of vision:

Eye drops from gonococcal conjunctivitis in newborn babies are also used, for this purpose, Albucidum is instilled by the eyes within fifteen minutes after birth.

In acute disease, the drug drips into both eyes up to six times a day. Gradually, as the symptoms wane, the dosage is reduced. Usually the general therapeutic course does not exceed a week.

It is highly desirable before applying to ask advice from a doctor. He will select the necessary treatment scheme, taking into account the characteristics of the body. It is especially important in the treatment of drops observed in a specialist pregnant and nursing mothers.

Precautionary measures

Reception of Albucida can provoke such undesirable effects:

With prolonged use, the likelihood of side effects increases. With the detection of one of the listed characteristics, the dosage and concentration of the active substance should be reduced.

Use of eye anti-inflammatory drops Albacid is prohibited if the patient has intolerance to sulfacetamide. Significantly increases the sensitivity to drops in people who are allergic to:

In addition, drug and contact lens interactions should be avoided, as this causes a deterioration in their transparency. Also it is advisable for the period of treatment of diseases with allocation of pus to refuse to wear lenses, replacing them with glasses.

It is also not recommended to carry out simultaneous treatment with Albucidum with taking medications that have silver ions. Joint use with pain medication and local anesthetics such as Tetracaine or Procaine reduces the effect of eye drops.

Analogues of eye drops Albucid

According to the doctor's instructions, drops can be replaced by similar drugs: