Duck with oranges in the oven

We are used to combining meat with vegetables, potatoes, porridges and pasta, but the poultry meat is an excellent shade of fruit notes. Duck meat is quite fat and often has not all pleasant taste overtones. Make a dish incredibly tasty simply - a duck with oranges in the oven turns aromatic and very tasty.

Easier and faster

For busy housewives, it is always more interesting to have options that do not require a lot of time. To get a juicy duck with oranges in the oven, add a "secret" component to the recipe.



We inspect the carcass, remove the remains of feathers, sing over fire, mine, remove the tail, gut. From one orange squeezed out the juice, mixed with mayonnaise, salt, add spices, if there is a desire to get a more spicy dish. The remaining oranges are peeled, cut into pieces, and placed inside the carcass. Now distribute the sauce over the bird, put it on a baking sheet and send it to a heated oven. The temperature is set at 200 degrees and, periodically dousing the duck with the juice in which it is cooked, bake 2-2.5 hours. As you can see, everyone can prepare a duck with oranges in the oven - it's easy and not very long.

If there is time

The most delicious duck is baked with honey and orange in the oven. Such a duck is being prepared in several stages.



A duck with apples and oranges baked in an oven with honey glaze will become a royal dish. But, as already mentioned, we prepare in stages. The duck is gutted, we are dumbfounding over the fire, mine and we dry it. Juice 2 oranges, vegetable oil, salt, any spices (if desired) and half of the pressed garlic are mixed and poured into a tight bag. Then we put the duck and let it lie in the marinade for 4 to 12 hours. Cut the duck into small pieces, mix it with garlic, chopped celery, diced apples and orange slices. With this mixture fill the duck, gently darn and put it on a baking tray. Watering the bird with juice, bake for at least 2 hours. If you are in a hurry, there is a trick - a duck in the sleeve in the oven with oranges will cook faster, it will take an hour and a half. The third stage is to prepare the glaze. To do this, the juice of the last orange is mixed with wine, heated, when it is slightly exhaled, we add honey and hot mixture is poured into our duck. We serve with fortified wine and herbs.