
Kangalese Karabash or Kangal is an ancient shepherd breed of dogs. In its pure form, it was preserved only in the territory of its homeland - Turkey. Named this breed was in honor of the Kangal area, from where these dogs originated.

Now the kangalas are bred by peasants and shepherds who love these dogs for their ability to protect the herds from predators. In the world, kangalas are not recognized as a separate breed, and some experts suggest combining all the shepherds' turkish breeds into one. But Turkey is extremely against this and is still carefully monitoring the purity of the breed.

History of the breed

The roots of this breed go back to the Middle Ages in Eastern Turkey. Here all breeds of shepherd dogs were born. But, unlike Kars, Akbash and Karabash, Kangal is not a white color.

It is not known exactly, but it is possible that their ancestors, northern dogs, gave such color to the dogs of the Turkish kangal. Their participation in the breed is also indicated by a short tough coat, a calm and non-aggressive nature of the Kangals.

Kangal is a national treasure

In Turkey, the rock kangal is considered a true national treasure. The government of the country personally monitors the development and movement of dogs of this breed. Each pup, born in the nursery, undergoes thorough culling and has a long pedigree.

Kangal is the only one of all Turkish breeds, officially recognized in its homeland. Images of kangalas can be seen on postage stamps and coins.

But, despite all this, the Kangals are working dogs - shepherds. They do not participate in exhibitions, and in nurseries necessarily support their working qualities.

In 1985, the first Kangal was removed to the United States. In the same year, this breed was very popular. The American club of Kangal Karabash is still functioning. And, if you want to buy yourself a puppy of the Turkish Kangal, it will certainly be from American manufacturers. After all, the export of purebred dogs of this breed from Turkey is prohibited.

Breed description

The Kurdish Kangal (another name for this breed) is an impressive dog, strong in appearance, with a developed musculature. In the withers can reach 90 cm, and weigh such dogs up to 70 kg.

Wool kangala short and dense, color grayish-yellow. On the muzzle there must be a black mask.

Shepherds never breed these dogs as pets. The Kangal Karabaks are very obedient and not as ferocious as other watchdogs.

The nature of these dogs is typical for shepherds. They have a pronounced territorial instinct, they run fast, very strong. Kangals are extraordinarily brave and, in case of danger, immediately stand up for their master's defense.

These dogs are treated with disbelief by strangers, but they are not aggressive in a peaceful situation.

Caring for a cangal

Dogs of the Turkish kangal breed are not suitable for living indoors. They love freedom and appreciate the opportunity to run. If you decide to have a kangala in an apartment, then it should be big, and the dog needs daily long walks and physical activities.

Otherwise, it will spill all its energy into a pogrom at home.

Ideal for such a dog will be life in a country house. Kangal will be an excellent guard. But do not hold it on a leash, it is better to limit it territorially with a high fence.

Since the childhood it is necessary to accustom kangalov to dialogue with other people and animals. Otherwise, the dog will grow aggressive and uncontrollable.

Kanghala Karabash is not sensitive to weather changes. He well tolerates both cold and heat. In general, care kangals are not whimsical, you only need to comb out the dog twice a year during the seasonal moult.