Turmeric - useful and harmful properties

Turmeric is a kind of ginger. In addition to the fact that it has found an active use in cooking, giving spicy dishes, there are also known useful properties of turmeric for the body, of which not many know.

Benefits of turmeric

Curcuma is a seasoning, the beneficial properties of which are due to the content in it of a large number of vitamins of group B, calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. It also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcuma is an excellent ally in the fight against the development of metastases in people with cancer.

The use of this spice can reduce the risk of developing leukemia in children and slow the inevitable processes of Alzheimer's disease. This spice has the ability to establish metabolism in the body, which is useful turmeric for weight loss. It should be noted that its use when added to food, promotes greater burning of calories, removal from the body of excess fluid and harmful substances, as well as improving blood circulation. All these useful properties of turmeric are very important for those who want to lose weight.

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is actively used in the treatment of the liver, improving the performance of choleretic organs, preventing the formation of gallstones, eliminating pain in the joints and normalizing the work of the heart.

Useful properties of turmeric and many women noted. This spice has found its application in modern cosmetology. Procedures using scrubs and masks, which include turmeric, have anti-inflammatory, healing and antibacterial effect.

Used turmeric and food industry. Dyes are prepared from it, which are then added to oils, margarine , yogurts, salad dressings, cheeses, as well as a variety of seasonings. In various cuisines of the world turmeric is used as a full-fledged spice, added to dishes from poultry, fish and seafood, sauces, salads, stews and soups. It is often used to make the dish a pleasant yellow shade. Curcuma is an excellent alternative to expensive saffron. In 100 grams of spices contains 354 calories.

Harm of turmeric

Curcuma has not only useful, but also harmful properties. But this is only if you use it incorrectly. Refuse to use it should be with gallbladder disease and with the simultaneous use of medications without consulting a doctor.