The benefit of running in the morning

Running is one and the most accessible options for physical exertion. When it is better to go for a run and whether there is a benefit of running in the morning, it is worth considering all the pros and cons.

Running in the morning - pros and cons

To begin with, we learn what the benefits can be from such a morning workout. Running is an aerobic exercise that is beneficial for the heart and respiratory system. Due to moderate loads, the heart muscle becomes sturdier and stronger.

Many women will be useful to know that running in the morning helps to lose weight. During such physical exertion, a lot of calories are burned. Since morning, the burning of fat begins almost from the first minutes of training, since the amount of carbohydrates is at "0".

Another advantage of morning runs is an increase in muscle tone and a good mood. In addition, if you train regularly in the mornings, then you will develop self-discipline and increase self-confidence.

There are also negative aspects of such a run, since some people are not allowed such loads. It is not recommended to run in the morning to people who have problems with joints and spine. In this case, it's best to replace running with swimming. Also, contraindications to the morning run include the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system.

Advantages of running in the morning for weight loss and health:

  1. In the morning, the air is clean and not gassy. For runs it is best to choose parks or public gardens. The morning coolness is much more useful than the evening stuffiness.
  2. Running refers to physical stress, which is contraindicated to a tired body, and therefore, in the evening it is not recommended to run.
  3. Morning jogs help the body to wake up and gain strength for the whole day.

If you find a motivation for yourself to run in the morning and are ready to start training, a few tips will help make this process more comfortable:

  1. Before running it is necessary to do a warm-up , since in the morning the blood is thick enough. In addition, you will warm up the muscles, which will avoid various injuries.
  2. Pay attention to the right shoes for running.
  3. Find yourself like-minded people, this will be an extra stimulus and responsibility for you.
  4. Take a player with you to practice, so you can distract yourself and not notice how the training time will come to an end.
  5. Start with a minimum load and only then gradually increase the distance and speed.