James Franco named the name of his new girlfriend

The 39-year-old James Franco, who for six years was satisfied with nothing that does not cut ties, is again in love and in love. The actor meets with the editor of television programs from Los Angeles Isabelle Pakzad.

Conscious loneliness

In 2011, the "Spider-Man" star James Franco, whose smile was named one of the best in Hollywood, parted with the 32-year-old American actress Ana O'Reilly, who had been in the relationship for six years. Since then, the media have been talking about the novels of a popular actor with a top model by Agnes Dane, singer Lana Del Rei, who did not receive confirmation

James Franco with Ana O'Reilly

Franco himself claimed that he had not met with anyone for all these years, because he did not want a serious relationship, completely dissolved into work. In early 2017, according to James, he realized that he was living wrong, not letting anyone into his heart and fleeing his senses.

It's official

The other day in an interview with the glossy ES Magazine Franco declassified the name of his new lady. She turned out to be unknown to the general public, Los Angeles resident Isabelle Pakzad, who is engaged in editing television programs. Also, the actor said that their romance has lasted four months.

It seems that between James and Isabel everything is more than serious and the doves are making plans for a bright family future.

James Franco

The First Bell

About secret lover Franco started talking back in July, after the paparazzi captured James in the company of a pretty long-haired and long-haired brown-haired.

James Franco and Isabelle Pakzad on a walk in July
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We will add that the journalists found out that Pakzad accompanied Franco at the Sebastian Film Festival, which was held last week and was genuinely happy for her beloved, sitting in the auditorium when he received the award for the film "Woe-Creator".

James Franco at the Sebastian Film Festival
Isabel at the San Sebastian Film Festival
James Franco smiles at Isabelle Pakzad, rising for the award