Antiviral drugs during pregnancy - 1 term

The organism of the future mother in the first stages of pregnancy is an easy "catch" for viruses and infection. But, at the same time - this is the most dangerous period when infiltrated "alien agents" can seriously harm the baby. That is why when pregnancy is in 1 trimester, treatment is rarely done without antiviral drugs.

Which antiviral drugs are safe for pregnant women in the first trimester?

In spite of all the danger that viruses carry in themselves for only a nascent life, the consequences of taking an incorrectly chosen medication can be no less lamentable. Therefore, choosing antiviral for pregnant women in the first trimester, doctors pursue two goals - to cure Mom and not to harm a little man in her womb. Of course, this task is not simple, because the list of drugs allowed at this stage is small. But still, most often in the prescriptions for pregnant women in the first trimester the following antiviral drugs appear:

  1. Oscillococcinum. A popular homeopathic remedy that perfectly copes with viruses, has an immunomodulatory effect. Oscillococcinum should be taken without deviating from the scheme, otherwise one can not get the proper effect.
  2. Aflubin - a medicine from the same category, is allowed to pregnant women from the first days after conception, requires a systemic intake. Very often Aflubin is prescribed for prophylactic purposes.
  3. Grippferon is another antiviral drug that is approved for pregnancy in the first trimester. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, it is considered safe for the fetus.

It is worth noting that any antiviral during pregnancy in 1 trimester can be taken only after consulting a doctor and strictly in the indicated dosage. For the speedy recovery and alleviation of symptoms, it is worth using ancillary drugs:

  1. Paracetamol to bring down the heat.
  2. Aquamaris or Pinosol - help to remove nasal congestion.
  3. Spray Tantum Verde, a solution of lyugol or chlorophyllipt - used to treat the throat.