Kniffonia - planting and care

Now increasingly, exotic plants that have come to us from other continents, become decorations of the front gardens next to the flowers that have been known for a long time. Gardeners do not frighten even the difficulties in growing overseas flowers.

One such exotica that attracts the eye is the book, a herbaceous perennial flower native to Africa. It is especially attractive in the flowering period, when a spicate inflorescence appears on the center of the leafy rosette on a high stem without leaves. Buds alternate from top to bottom or from bottom to top and turn into flowers of a different shade. After a while, all the inflorescence becomes like a big bicolor cone. But even without flowers, the book looks very original, because the narrow or broad xiphoid leaves are collected in a dense, deep rosette of a gray-green color.

Knifofiya: landing and care

Knifofii very important correct landing and care:

  1. Location . Because of the exotic origin of cantophophy, planting is necessary on a well-warmed up area on a hill or it will be necessary to organize the drainage of thawed waters.
  2. The soil . Nutritional water-intensive loamy soil is very suitable. It is also possible to prepare soil from sand, leaf and turf ground, humus. It is better to prepare the soil for scantiness in advance.
  3. Watering . In the period of intensive plant growth, he needs frequent and abundant watering in the morning.
  4. Top dressing . Before flowering and after it, organic fertilizing or potassium mineral fertilizers should be applied under the flower.
  5. Care . In special care, knifofia does not need, it will be enough for the following: the removal of weeds, the timely loosening and mulching of the soil with needles or black film.
  6. Wintering . For the winter, the book should be transplanted into a large pot and transferred to the basement, it is not necessary to trim the foliage, only the stems of the inflorescences should be removed. In a climate with mild winter, the flower can be left to winter in the garden, well covered with a film of moisture.

How to grow a book?

The first way to grow the book is from seeds .

  1. In late March, the seeds are sown in containers with nutrient soil and covered for 2-3 weeks with a film. Periodically, they need to be ventilated and watered.
  2. The emergence of seedlings gradually accustom to the ambient temperature.
  3. After the appearance of three leaves, the seedlings are dived into a larger container.
  4. In July they are planted on a permanent place, maintaining a distance between them about 40cm.

With such cultivation, the youngest book starts to blossom in the second or third year.

The second way is by dividing rhizomes :

In the third year of the life of the book in the lower leaves, the kidneys are laid, from which the daughter plant develops. In late April - early May, the bush should be excavated, the daughter sockets separated from the roots and planted in the prepared soil at the required distance. This division is recommended to be carried out once in five years.

With proper planting and care, knifofia is practically not sick and is not affected by pests.