Blackberries - useful properties

The blackberry is a berry that looks like a raspberry, but has a different taste. Even our ancestors were aware of the healing effect of the plant. Blackberries whose useful properties are discussed further, has a lot of important substances for humans. That is why it is still actively used in the fight against infirmities.

Blackberry Properties

The fruits and leaves of the blackberry are rich in a mass of useful substances, such as organic acids, vitamins A, E of group B, ascorbic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and other components. Due to its composition, the berry has found wide application in folk medicine:

  1. Blackberry helps fight obesity, as its use speeds up the metabolic process. The presence in the fruits of catechins prevents the absorption of fats and leads to an increase in the body's energy needs.
  2. Berries reduce the presence of sugar in the blood, so the blackberry is advised to fill the diet for people suffering from diabetes.
  3. The healing properties of blackberries are due to its general strengthening, antimicrobial and antipyretic effect. This allows you to use the berry in the cold and flu season.
  4. The presence of pectins in the blackberry allows you to rid the body of toxins and bring the level of cholesterol back to normal.
  5. Undigested blackberries have useful laxative properties that help get rid of constipation, and ripe, on the contrary, treat diarrhea.
  6. Systematic reception of blackberries improves the blood supply to the brain, has a positive effect on the nervous system and prevents the development of cancer.

Blackberry leaves - useful properties

Produced from the leaves of blackberry broth helps to cope with many ailments. The presence in them of vitamin C strengthens the immune system of the body, accelerates the process of wound healing and recovery after disease. Blackberry leaves are valued for the following medicinal properties:

  1. Drinking tea normalizes the work of the intestines, relieves pain during menstruation, copes with nervous excitability and helps to overcome insomnia.
  2. Decoction of leaves is effective for diarrhea, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding, dysentery.
  3. The imposition of brewed berries on the wound promotes its rapid healing.
  4. Infusion of dried leaves are used to combat the symptoms of menopause (neurasthenia, insomnia).

Blackberry juice - useful properties

In home medicine, juice from fruits and leaves of a plant is actively used due to the fact that it has a restorative effect and has a soothing effect:

Blackberry root - useful properties

The curative effect is also the roots of the plant. Prepared from them, the broth is drunk with diarrhea, appendicitis, widening of veins, hemoptysis. Also it is recommended in the following cases:

Blackberries - contraindications

The use of berries is contraindicated in the presence of allergies to them. Therefore, before the application of blackberries, you need to eat a small handful of fruits. If signs of intolerance (nausea, diarrhea, dizziness) is not found, then the plant is safe for treatment.