Lactose-free milk

Many people are forced to abandon the use of milk and dairy products, because they are not privy to lactose intolerance (milk sugar). However, it is worth remembering that milk is a unique product containing a lot of calcium and vitamins in a very digestible form, and rejection of it is highly undesirable. It is to ensure that everyone can enjoy the taste and benefits of milk, was created a unique product - de-lactose milk.

What means lactose-free?

Lactose is one of the components of milk, also called milk sugar. It is this component that causes milk intolerance, which provokes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and upset stomach. Lactose-free milk is a product that is liberated from lactose in a laboratory way, and therefore not causing intolerance.

Now different manufacturers offer different approaches to how to eliminate lactose from milk. In most cases, lactase is simply added to the product, an ingredient that lactose breaks down into two components: galactose and glucose. Thus, the minimum content of lactose in the product is achieved - no more than 0.1%. It is worth noting that such a product is considered to be low-lactose, and yet unacceptable for a person's diet with serious deviations.

More modern technology allows to obtain completely lactose-free milk, safe for those who suffer from a high degree of intolerance to lactose. In this case, lactose is filtered out by means of special equipment and is taken out of the product completely - it remains at 0.01%. It is worth noting that while maintaining the natural taste of milk.

It is worth noting that lactose-free milk is almost the same as usual, except that it contains a third less carbohydrates. Thanks to this product is popular not only among people with lactose intolerance, but also among those who watch their weight.

Lactose-free food

It is believed that 30% to 50% of people suffer from varying degrees of lactose intolerance. However, no useful milk products are needed now - many manufacturers offer lactose-free cottage cheese, yogurt and even lactose-free butter.

To obtain these products, the same procedures are used as for the preparation of de-lactose milk. Their use will not cause upset stomach and other digestive problems, so they can be included in the diet on a par with all products. Since all the nutrients of natural dairy products are preserved, it allows you to enrich the body with calcium, vitamins and protein.

Lactose-free porridge and baby food

A separate category of lactose-free products is baby food. In some children, lactose intolerance is detected from birth, which accounts for choose a suitable mixture for them, which is not easy. As a rule, young mothers listen to the advice of a pediatrician who can, based on medical experience, recommend a suitable product.

Lactose-free porridges and food can be both products based on de-lactose milk, and their soya equivalents. It is worth noting that modern soy can easily contain GMOs , so it is necessary to include such a product in the baby's nutrition with caution.

There is a wide variety of such products, but it is important to understand that for a small organism a change in diet is a great stress. Therefore, all changes should only take place if necessary, under the supervision of a doctor.