Cherry pintle - good and bad

Each of us at least once in my life tried cherry pancake. We all know this red sour berry perfectly. Well-known since childhood, the taste of grandmother cherry jam, compotes, tea, pies remained with us for many years.

Many people want to know about the benefits and harms of cherry blisters. Let's look at it together.

The use of cherry blossom

Cherry pancake has many useful properties:

  1. It perfectly quenches thirst and improves appetite. Cherry contains substances that lower the threshold of blood clotting, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  2. Cherry shpunku used to lower the temperature, with the treatment of the throat, cough, to increase the level of hemoglobin and for many other purposes. This small berry contains vitamins of group B, folic acid , iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  3. Cherry pancake is very useful to eat during pregnancy, tk. the body that develops inside you needs a sufficient amount of folic acid, iron and magnesium for proper development.

Girls have long used cherry pendant as a cosmetic. From its fruits and juice, you can make nutritious face and hair masks that favorably affect their structure.

Those who want to lose weight, you can and should eat cherry pancake, because with a caloric content of 52 kcal per 100 g it contains the necessary elements for enriching the body.

The use and harm of cherry blossom

The cherry has only one drawback - it's her bones. They are poisonous to humans. In no case should they be eaten or brewed from them by decoctions. But at the same time, its roots and leaves are useful. From the roots you can make tea, which is very useful for bronchitis . A decoction of leaves has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.

But, using cherry pancake and broths, one should remember about contraindications for health reasons. Therefore, consult with doctors and do not self-medicate!