Cottage cheese with sour cream is good and bad

Very simple, but very tasty dish - cottage cheese with sour cream - is familiar to many from childhood. And although they usually appreciate it for the taste, very often the interest is raised by the question of whether cottage cheese is useful with sour cream. According to experts, the combination of these two components is ideal for dietary nutrition.

What are the properties of the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream?

Both ingredients of the dish are sour-milk products and have a high nutritional value. Therefore, the benefit and harm of cottage cheese with sour cream is determined by the properties of each of them. So in curd contains a large amount of protein, calcium, there is phosphorus and magnesium, and also vitamins of group B and vitamins A , C. In sour cream there are useful fats, amino acids, vitamin E. And at the same time, and sour cream and cottage cheese because of the content of a particular microflora should not be consumed in large quantities. And people with lactose intolerance this dish is generally contraindicated.

The benefits and harm of cottage cheese with sour cream is the opinion of nutritionists

Answering the question about what is useful cottage cheese with sour cream, dietitians, first of all, note the value of the dish for baby food. Thanks to calcium and vitamins , which facilitate its assimilation, two products help strengthen the bone tissue of a growing organism, help to hold the immune system. For the same reason, the dish is very useful for the elderly. To adolescents, cottage cheese with sour cream is allowed to cope with the problem of hormonal imbalance due to the transition age, avoid the appearance of acne, improve the condition of the skin and hair. The same applies to adults, especially women. And a tasty and simple dish contributes to the improvement of brain activity, optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, saturates the body with useful proteins. However, in large quantities, cottage cheese with sour cream can cause intestinal disorders.