Large fruit

Often women are mistaken, thinking that if a child was born with a lot of weight, then it's good. This opinion is not entirely correct, because in modern obstetrics a large fetus may indicate some problems with the health of the baby.

Which fruit is considered large?

The normal weight of a newborn baby is between 3100 and 4000 g with an increase of 48-54 cm. But if the weight of the crumb is 4000-5000 g with an increase of 54-56 cm - this is already considered a large fruit. And when the baby is over five kilograms, then this is a giant fruit and in that case growth is not taken to attention.

What does a large fruit mean?

There are several factors that affect the intrauterine development of the baby:

  1. Increased duration of pregnancy . If the prolongation of the period of bearing of the baby occurs 10-14 days longer than the physiological pregnancy, it can lead to an increase in the weight of the baby and premature aging of the placenta .
  2. Edematous form of hemolytic disease . This incompatibility of the Rh factor is the mother and child, which can lead to anemia of the unborn child, general puffiness and accumulation of fluid in the fetus cavity, an increase in the spleen and liver. According to the planned examination on ultrasound, the doctor, after seeing a large fruit, should establish the reasons for such development and prescribe measures for their elimination.
  3. Hereditary factors . Most likely is the fact that if the parents of the child at birth had excessive weight, then the baby will be born large.
  4. Incorrect food . If the pregnancy does not adhere to any norms in nutrition, the probability of developing the fetus to a large size is very high. After all, if the mother will consume a lot of carbohydrates, which are in bakery products and sweets, and not in vegetables and fruits, then the body will retain fluid and the mother will begin to gain weight, and with it, the baby will begin to grow.
  5. The second and subsequent pregnancies . Statistics show that the second child always exceeds the weight of the first by 20-30 percent and this is normal. Because my mother is already more experienced, and the body itself knows what needs to be done.

If the child is too large, sometimes a woman is able to give birth to such a hero, but in most cases complications arise because the fetus has a rather large head, and the pelvis is much older. More often such complications arise at anatomical narrowing of a basin on 1, 5 centimeters and more.