Lavaera - growing from seeds

Today we will talk about the cultivation of the temporarily forgotten flower, familiar to each of us since early childhood, - the lava. This flower was again recognized as a horticulturist, since it is extremely unpretentious, grows on almost any soil and is absolutely not picky to care. Well, if you cultivate the flower of the lava to give him a little attention, he will delight you with incredibly lush and beautiful flowering.

General information

Before you learn about planting and caring for the lavator, let's get acquainted with the biological information about this wonderful plant. As already mentioned above, this plant is absolutely not exacting to the composition of the soil. Some even consider that the soil is poorer, the better. And in this there is some truth, but on a completely barren soil, the beautiful lavas do not grow. Well, if it is excessively fertile, then the plant will be strongly stretched in length to the detriment of the formation of the inflorescences. This plant does not tolerate dampness, so be careful not to water it excessively. Experienced growers advise tying tall varieties of this flower to pegs, as well as pruning faded shoots. Thus, all the forces of the plant will be directed to the formation of new and new inflorescences. The plant feels best in places that are illuminated by the sun almost all day long. If you plant flowers in the shade or penumbra, the bloom will be much less lush. The most common in the gardens are these three varieties of lavatories:

After a general introduction to this plant, you can proceed to how to grow a lavater from seeds on your garden plot.

Sowing and caring for young plants

The best way to grow the lava is to sow seeds in the open ground. The most suitable time for this is the end of April - the beginning of May. Although there is a strong opinion that the lava is worth sowing exclusively on poor soil, it is, by and large, erroneous. We will work a little before sowing seeds to surprise the surrounding people with an unusually lively flowering lavatera. We will proceed as follows: for every square meter allocated for sowing, we will add 4-5 kilograms of ready compost or humus. Then scatter on the surface of the prepared mixture, which includes a spoonful of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and two spoons of nitromophoska. Carefully level the future flower beds, make straight furrows on them about a centimeter deep, spill them with boiling water. After the earth is not hot, but warm, we sow seeds in the furrows, and lightly sprinkle them. Approximately two weeks later shoots will appear. Regularly destroy the weeds in the garden (in the fertilized soil they grow just fine). After the plants grow, they need to be diluted fairly, leaving no more than five young plants every 15-20 centimeters. Adhering to landing lavaters in this way, you will get strong flowers bushes that will not "hammer" the growth of each other. In the future, two additional fertilizing should be done, the first during the vegetative growth period (nitromophoska and urea one spoon per 10 liters of water), and the second one right before the beginning of flowering (one spoonful of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water).

We hope that you have learned about growing lavatories all you need, so that in the new season these beautiful flowers can decorate your site.