Monstera - reproduction

This plant looks great in an apartment or office. It is quite easy to take care of it, but there are practically no problems with transplantation. There are several very simple tips how to multiply the monster, depending on the chosen method.

Reproduction of monsters by cuttings

This method is most common. It is necessary to select cuttings with one air root, so that it would be easier to work with it. Take a clean sharp knife or a garden shears. The cut location must be treated with pounded charcoal so that the infection does not spread further.

This way of reproduction of monsters is also suitable for rejuvenating plants. The cut is made slightly below the airfoil. Then the billet is put in water and after two weeks the seedling will take root. The monster grows quite quickly and can not tolerate frequent transplants, so it is necessary to pick up the pot for growth.

There is a method for the old bare plant. The stem is cut into cuttings, each of which must have three eyes. Slices are sprinkled with coal and dried. Then they are planted under cans on separate pots. Watering seedlings is necessary daily and in a month young shoots will appear.

Monstera: Reproduction by air roots

Now consider how to multiply a monster with the help of air shoots-roots. To do this, two or three of the topmost roots are wrapped with wet moss or dipped in a container of water. After such a procedure, after a while, small roots will begin to appear from the air. During this period, the top of the monster, along with the leaves and roots, is cut off for reproduction. The slices are sprinkled with coal and the finished pottings are planted in a pot.

Upper shoots with roots plant produces by late spring. After such a procedure, the adult plant continues its growth and releases lateral shoots. As a result, it becomes more prolific and rejuvenated.

Reproduction of monsters at home: the seed method

Before you multiply the monster in this way, you must prepare a warm room with a constant temperature and diffuse light. After landing, the land is constantly sprayed with water from the spray gun and do not allow it to dry out. If you comply with all these rules, you can expect sprouts in a month. In another six months the seedlings will release a couple of real sheets. A year after landing, you will receive strong plants with a developed root system and two or three pairs of leaves. Dive seedlings begin after they become noticeably cramped in one tank.

Reproduction of monsters at home: advice to growers

All three ways have a place to be and everyone chooses an acceptable one for themselves. For each of the options there are a number of identical recommendations.

  1. In advance it is necessary to prepare the soil of the right composition. For this, drainage is poured into the pot, then a peat layer with humus and 2-3 cm sand on top. It is allowed to plant the cuttings in the sand before the appearance of the first roots, followed by a transplant into the soil.
  2. Before full rooting, it is necessary to constantly moisten the earth and provide a temperature of 22-25 ° C. It is advisable to place the seedling under a can or package.
  3. There must be a good scattered light stream in the room. The abundance of light is necessary for the growth of seedlings, otherwise the rooting process will significantly slow down.
  4. Humidity must be constantly increased. Plants need to be sprayed with water twice a day. When the seedlings are strong enough, you can remove the cans.
  5. When multiplying monsters, do not forget about feeding. It is enough once a month to make weak solutions of complex fertilizers and the growth will significantly accelerate. A liter of water is diluted with about 2 g of the preparation and watered by seedlings.
  6. Do not forget that monsters belong to poisonous houseplants , so all work with it is desirable to be done carefully, using gloves.